scary asian

I don't partake in the hobby accept for amp's and once in a blue moon a hotel asian when I get a itch.. in my mind its the safest way to partake in the hobby... but holy shit I think I will pass on the hotel ones after seeing the zombie they had locked up in Springfield mass.. if you see that ad run don't walk away.. jerk your load out in the car you will thank me... room smelled like smoke so bad I thought (Staff edit)...literally a walking dead stunt double covered in dollar store make up I couldn't say I forgot my wallet quick enough
You could shared the ad.. For educational purposes..
all the asian ads on the skipthegames in Springfield led to elm street stay away ... if it is on elm
ideal hotel set up for me too.... has the outside entrances to each room no need to walk thru lobby or building .. one of the reason I gave it a shot.. the agencies you call are scum bags.. I get they got nothing to lose but come on don't waste my time .. I was gonna scratch a 2 girl party off my list and they said they had it and young girls but it was just one old hag sad thing is she had multiple requests. she goes what's your number ... most likely 80 percent of the calls were fake I hope. sad thing is she offers bbfs I would of sticked my cock in hot wax before her