Actors.........Fuckin Morons

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Jackie wtf is your issue? Are you God- there's good that Hugo Chavez has done and the poor citizens of his country will testify. Chavez donated millions to the Haiti relief and sold oil at discounted rates to many other countries. Because he was not an ally of the United States he has to be cast as some demon????
Remember the Shah of Iran- oh the U.S supported him and the Shah makes Chavez look like Mother Teresa- remember we supported OBL and Saddam- and we still supported Saddam after he gassed his own people.
I am pretty sure Chavez like anyone else has done his good and his bad- if people want to mourn let them!!!
There is nothing more hilarious to me than millionaires bemoaning the "ruling class"
I dunno. Seems like his people loved him. It mystifies me that idiots like Jackie, with no skin in the game, think their beliefs trump everybody else....But, so it goes with American idiots.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I dunno. Seems like his people loved him. It mystifies me that idiots like Jackie, with no skin in the game, think their beliefs trump everybody else....But, so it goes with American idiots. Originally Posted by timpage
Very true and he has no clue why Tea nuts and Republicans keep losing national elections. Tell me Jackie care to tell us what you give to charity or how you helped those less fortunate than you? So I guess if Chavez made the rich richer- the poor poorer and helped American companies make billions off the sweat of the Valenzuelan people he would be a hero?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The people I've talked to who have come from Venezuela have horror stories about Chavez. And these were poor people in Venezuela. He crushed dissent, controlled the news and hung around with other brutal despots. Yes, he took from the rich, gave some to the poor, but kept most for himself. His net worth is reported at about $4 billion. Surely the presidency didn't pay that much. He was a corrupt, brutal dictator.

And now he has created a nation of takers, wondering who will take care of us now?

No wonder he supported Obama. Not a hell of a lot of difference there.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-06-2013, 10:09 PM
Obama ain't got the ball to take on Wall Street in this country, much less Big oil!

As usual, COG is way off base.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obama is OWNED by Wall Street and Big Oil. As were his predecessors, going back to at least 1913. JFK being a possible exception.
redriverronin's Avatar
Very true cog but you can't get most people to understandand that's why this crappy country is in a fast decline just hope the grandkids have a chance to make a difference
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
+1 Redriver
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hope you never go to another movie.

that'll leave more the the VAST MAJORITY of us!

and that'll ensure I don't get spooked on from the creep in the row behind me!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I doubt if you will run into us at the movie theater, Assup. We usually attend reputable theaters, not the ones in the back of the adult stores like you frequent. In fact, I saw the Russell Crowe movie last night, Broken City. Pretty good. Unfortunately, the front of the theater didn't sell sex toys and videos, so I didn't expect to see you there.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
I doubt if you will run into us at the movie theater, Assup. We usually attend reputable theaters, not the ones in the back of the adult stores like you frequent. In fact, I saw the Russell Crowe movie last night, Broken City. Pretty good. Unfortunately, the front of the theater didn't sell sex toys and videos, so I didn't expect to see you there. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Dupes, useful idiots, what have you. Chavez destroyed the constitution of Venezuela, nationalized oil platforms belonging to other countries, and created an army bigger than all of the countries in South America combined (because we wanted to invade him....). The murder rate went sky high as did the number of poor. Yes, Hugo loves the poor and that is why he created so many of them. Hugo also struck a deal with Hezbellah to establish a presence in Venezuela. Venezuelan muslims were caught in this country running hijacked cigarettes for terrorism funding. Chavez was a cancer on the ass of the world and now he has been lanced. I support Maria Chochita Alonzo for president.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
You can't make this shit up. Originally Posted by Jackie S
But it doesn't keep you from trying - you're just not any good at it.