<If you encounter some thing like this and are not sure about it, contact the person named as the sender directly and verify that it is a legitimate e-mail. >
That's not possible. The emails I get are sometimes from my own e-mail address and other times from a providers e-mail address. The content of the e-mail is usually promoting some pharmacuetical like Viagra or Cialis. Scam websites no doubt. What are you suggesting I do, contact the scam website and say please stop sending me this crap? There's dozens of these each day!
Like I mentioned, the only common thread to all this is the timing of it coinciding with my contacting the provider from this board, so guess where I think this problem originated from....?
As a member of the previous board for over a decade I never had this happen. I'll go right out and say it.. I think ya'll are selling our e-mail addresses!
What else could it be?