This Guy...

So this guy shows up dressed like he belongs at an ivy league school, I advise him of where to place things, and because I've been through enough creeps who like to try and get away with ripping us gals off, I verify things before anything happens now. This guy.... He puts $8.00, eight freaking dollars on my dresser. So I'm looking at him with a raised eyebrow, like 'are you serious?' and he says "Oh I'll go get more when we're done". I think I handled this idiot pretty politely by just showing him right back to the door. Who the hell does that?! It isn't cute or funny to waste providers' time, and trying to spin it as "I'm new" is no excuse. Rates are clearly posted on ads, you know exactly why you're contacting us, and we're not stupid just because we do this. Nothing could be further from the truth. What an asshat! Rant over.
Samcro84's Avatar
That is fucking funny.

David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah swears! Ah wulda gone an' got ya tha rest o' tha munny if'n yew hadt given meh tha chance!!!
mrhappysf's Avatar
Wait, it's not April 1 yet is it?
Ugh, I'm sorry that happened to you Lioness.
Please remember Lioness.. Violence doesn't solve anything. (It's just so satisfying sometimes.) 😁
Please remember Lioness.. Violence doesn't solve anything. (It's just so satisfying sometimes.) 😁 Originally Posted by Blue_eyed_shy_guy
I wasn't violent with him. I didn't even swear at him. I sure wanted to! He just got the GTFO look. I treat my guests very well, especially considering the rates I have, and the upscale location that I offer. When someone tries that sort of shenanigan, it just makes me want to not be a lady and roar at them! I think I was pretty nice all things considered. Grrrr....
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Maybe at that Ivy League school they did not teach him to count tff

I wasn't violent with him. I didn't even swear at him. I sure wanted to! He just got the GTFO look. I treat my guests very well, especially considering the rates I have, and the upscale location that I offer. When someone tries that sort of shenanigan, it just makes me want to not be a lady and roar at them! I think I was pretty nice all things considered. Grrrr.... Originally Posted by Lioness
If I were in your place, I probably would've given him more than a GTFO look.. which is all I was saying.

Hopefully you'll have better clients through the rest of the week.
Skip_8's Avatar
That's fucked up.
$8.00 bucks? You should have told him, "Lookit, you just bought yourself about 5 minutes of my time. You've already wasted 4. I suggest you use the remaining minute to get the fuck out of here!"
You should have reached into a drawer and slipped on some latex gloves and picked up a HUGE dildo and said. "Ok, bend over. If you want lube that'll be $242 extra...up front."

Then again some of you fuckers would probably think that's worth $8 😳
You should have reached into a drawer and slipped on some latex gloves and picked up a HUGE dildo and said. "Ok, bend over. If you want lube that'll be $242 extra...up front."

Then again some of you fuckers would probably think that's worth $8 😳 Originally Posted by jollygaroger
He did say he wanted to get fucked for $8.00.. right?
What kind of screening was done prior to meeting?
$8 don't make no body holla. Wow. That's crazy.