Why Don't Hobbyists Read Ads?

I get so many inquiries from hobbyists who clearly have not taken the time to read my ads (a common problem, it's not just me). I'm just wondering why? If an ad clearly says incalls, and rates are posted, why would a hobbyist request an outcall and ask about rates? Also, what is with the flood of guys asking if I'll accept gift cards lately? Lastly, when an ad clearly states texts only, and you completely ignore that and call anyway, why get mad when I decline the call and text you back? I just don't get it. "I'm going to completely ignore boundaries and rules, and expect you to cater to me anyway!" That's what I see when hobbyists pull this crap. I typically respond in a text back with something like "I must have forgotten to put texts only on my ad again. Silly me! How can I help you hun?" Some get butthurt over being called out on their behavior. Some roll with it. It just amazes me, the amount of disrespect that some people have. Don't even get me started on the tons of time wasters that I have to deal with every single day! It's enough to make a gal consider retiring.
Why are you okay with going bareback with complete strangers? I'm a pretty educated guy but for the life of me, I can't wrap my head around this. Same question for the guys. Are providers so desperate for money that they'll do anything? For the guys who partake, I just totally don't get it. And yes yes, we're all barebacking someone but there's a difference between a SO and a hooker/John.
With all due respect, that is in no way relevant to my post.
Though to answer your question, there are a couple of reasons. Both are personal, and if I choose to share with select individuals, I will. Otherwise, pressing me about it is rude.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-26-2016, 04:38 AM
With all due respect, that is in no way relevant to my post. Originally Posted by Lioness
Actually, it is completely relevant.

Your post is about reading what a lady posts. Look at your post: in big, capital letters you talk about BBFS. So how is BBFS not relevant to your post?

If you don't want the discussion going in that direction, turn off your bumper sticker fir tgat post.
RICKDOG8's Avatar
I spend 10 hours a day at work pretty much in front of a computer all day. That being said I look at Eccie throughout the day quite a bit. Sometimes I see a provider I'm interested in but don't have an opportunity to read EVERY single little detail before a coworker walks up. You snag the phone number or shoot a pm over and make contact. I get it, but honestly I personally try to read as much as I can but I understand why some don't have the opportunity.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 05-26-2016, 06:44 AM
I've never been motivated to want to see you, so can't speak to your ad whether its confusing, overdone or what. I will say there are many on here who write a freaking essay & post it as an ad. Hillary has less text on her computer.

A good rule of thumb is, if you have to scroll continuously to see all of the ad, its likely not getting read. What we need are MENU/PICS/RATES...and thats about it.

However, being in sales & lecturing your potential buyers is not good business. Maybe it improves your hit rate, I don't know. For ME its an absolute turn off...if I am going to support a hoogar through giving her some of my hobby budget, I expect to NOT be condescended to...there's simply too many to choose from to deal with angry women.

To your points. Who knows why some cant read "NO CALLS". Some may want to assure they aren't communicating with a Pimp, so they call to hear a woman's voice. This may give them some level of assurance they are not dealing with "Peter the Pimp"...

Why do some ask for outcalls? Because you are a purveyor of goods...some purveyors deliver...although they don't advertise it...so we ask "Hey can you come see me"? I never realized its such a time waste to have someone interested in purchasing your goods-I would consider each contact an opportunity to develop a bond, but maybe you are just looking for high volume/quick hitters instead of regulars-I don't know your business model.

Why are there time wasters? Honey, its on BOTH sides of the fence on that one! But the real answer is that its the cost of doing business. Every Hoogar deals with it.

So deal with it.

David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Why are you okay with going bareback with complete strangers? I'm a pretty educated guy but for the life of me, I can't wrap my head around this. Same question for the guys. Are providers so desperate for money that they'll do anything? For the guys who partake, I just totally don't get it. And yes yes, we're all barebacking someone but there's a difference between a SO and a hooker/John. Originally Posted by Satoshi
If'n Ah had ta guess, she prob'ly got tiredt of all tha mongers harrasin'er fer it all tha time at her usual hunnert dollah rate so's she got fed up an' dee-cided to put tha opshun on tha table an' charge an extry hunnert fer it ta see if'n them barebackin' cowboys'll put up 'r shut up.

Oncet, Ah had a pervider (she's dun ree-tired an' left tha hobby fer a reel-world pro-feshunal job oncet she gotter degree an' she's stayed gone) tell meh that at least 60% of tha mongers seein' her axsk'd fer it outright. One time, she e'en hadt one o' them basick'lly rape her by forcin' it onner. An' tha muthafukker din't leave her any extry munny fer it, eye-thar.

Ah don't know if'n Tha Lioness has had a sim'lar sitch-yew-aye-shun, but Ah betchya utha gals have had it forcedt onnem. It's jus' tha way sum fellers operate.
Though to answer your question, there are a couple of reasons. Both are personal, and if I choose to share with select individuals, I will. Otherwise, pressing me about it is rude. Originally Posted by Lioness
interesting... I can only imagine one good reason why barebacking strangers would NOT worry you. Also, this behavior is expected at the level and rate you are entertaining.. I mean, most anybody can put together $100 bucks.. I choose to avoid this group of LOWBALLr's all together.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Twig is there any post you make that doesn't have the word "lowballr" in it. It makes me think you have dealt with "lowballr " most of your hobby career and now you just have jaded GPS.
Lioness, Old -T is right about the fact a lot of hobbyists just don't have the time to read everything. It's just part of the hobby. Try not to let it get to you.
Skip_8's Avatar
interesting... I can only imagine one good reason why barebacking strangers would NOT worry you. Also, this behavior is expected at the level and rate you are entertaining.. I mean, most anybody can put together $100 bucks.. I choose to avoid this group of LOWBALLr's all together. Originally Posted by TW!GGY
That's why the Twig charges $300 per hour with $100 for bbfs. Creampie included, hopefully. Or ,is that extra?
Skip_8's Avatar
Well, i would assume there's some getting to know each other chit chat prior to BBing.

If you are that worried abiut it, wear a fucking rubber.

Why are you okay with going bareback with complete strangers? I'm a pretty educated guy but for the life of me, I can't wrap my head around this. Same question for the guys. Are providers so desperate for money that they'll do anything? For the guys who partake, I just totally don't get it. And yes yes, we're all barebacking someone but there's a difference between a SO and a hooker/John. Originally Posted by Satoshi
Skip_8's Avatar
The BB is irrelevant to this thread. In fact, you just made her point about retards NOT READING.

I'll break it down barnie style, some HOs just want text while others want a phone clal. Ok?

This particular Ho wants text only. That's what she puts in her ads. A lot of guys don't honor her request, i guess lately, hence the rant.

...and here you come making us tricks look retarded by trying changing the subject of conversation.

Actually, it is completely relevant.

Your post is about reading what a lady posts. Look at your post: in big, capital letters you talk about BBFS. So how is BBFS not relevant to your post?

If you don't want the discussion going in that direction, turn off your bumper sticker fir tgat post. Originally Posted by Old-T
Come on guyz, twiggy is a genius and everything twiggy says is correct. Twiggy is all knowing and always right.
Sometimes it's an honest mistake. Just recently I contacted a provider who originally did only outcalls, but later added incalls. I assumed this was still the case, so I contacted her about an appointment at which time she informed me she no longer had an incall, and it says as much on her showcase. I'd read her showcase prior to contacting her, but it's quite wordy, and I simply missed the part that said "Outcalls only." There was no attempt on my part to break her rules; just a simple mistake.