Providers With Pets

Ladies, Gentlemen, this is a thing! I don't speak for anyone but myself, but I love my animals, and cannot imagine life without them. Because I keep exotic animals (as well as other reasons), I have considered no longer hosting from my residence. My home is my animals' home first and foremost, and while I take precautions to ensure that safety is paramount, some people are still frightened or uncomfortable around my pets and display animals. Where do you stand on the issue?

I am pretty mellow unless someone comes into my home and disrespects my babies (a guarentees way to not be invited back). I don't understand why some people find it to be acceptable to make incredibly rude remarks about reptiles, tarantulas, etc... But if you said "stomp on it", "kill it with fire", or "I'm not coming over until that THING is gone" in regard to mammals as pets, most people would be outraged. I would never knowingly invite someone so rude or disrespectful over. I also find it highly distasteful when people come into your home, and expect you to hide or banish your pets to other rooms. Those animals live there, you don't.

It's one thing to make a reasonable request, like keeping a normally caged animal caged, but it's not ok to require that the animal be removed from the room if that is where its cage is normally set up. Just my thoughts on the matter. I actually had one guy who clearly knew nothing about tegus, who clearly didn't have an enclosure set up offer to impulse buy my big red boy because he wanted to scare people with him. To add insult to injury, he offered a fraction of what he is worth.

Um... Hell no? My scalies are not stock to be bartered for or sold. They are my most prized possessions. Likened to children for me. I hate people that use their animals to frighten others. They give the community a bad image and make it harder for responsible keepers to be allowed to own them.
sue_nami's Avatar
sweetie, lots of folks have irrational fears about reptiles and spiders, While i agree 100% It is not cool to say mean things about them, you should say in your ads you have them because some guys need to know in advance that you have a pet that will make them wet their pants. If a puppy or cat makes guys not come over and see some girls. I can guarantee a reptile or spider would too. I think this could be avoided if they knew in advance.
I've seen five providers with pets. Of the five, three incalls smelled. Those three were less than stellar visits. One provider tours with her pet but she keeps him in the bathroom. That provider is smoking hot. The other one is a college girl but she keeps things tidy and her place doesn't smell. She's hot too! I have not gone back to to see the three with pets whose places smelled. Oh, two of the three ladies had pit bulls. Not a fan of that breed. Oh well.
Yes, you should say that in your ads. I have a bichon friese - dog -that is a barker -so I take her to doggie day care because no one wants to put up with her I love dogs like they were my kids but I do think it is unprofessional to have them while you are having a session - unless, they don't do anything, and I mean anything. And if I saw any kind of reptiles - honestly, I'd freak out...just me!
Tan Khan's Avatar
As a hobbiest I expect to be alone in a room with my date, although I can put up with dogs or cats being in the room, it's not my preference. If I know there will be animals present, that affects my decision to see someone.

As a human being I have a problem with people keeping wild animals in their houses, it's cruel to the animals unless they are being rescued and there are no better option. Few things sadden me more that caged animals.
There's no good that comes from something soft and furry rubbing up against you feet while you are trying to take care of a lady BCD.

First time scared the crap out of me. I would just as soon not have pets in the incall or especially in the room, BCD. If the lady is so-so and has pets (or smokes), I most likely will not return.

However, I often see several ladies that I see who have large number of cats, dogs, snakes, lizards, and spiders in their incall. I continue to see them, in spite the animals, because the ladies are just so fucking hot and they each really know how to rock my CAWK.
I will probably just go back to hosting in motels and hotels to avoid the issue. Besides, there's lots of other benefits to doing it that way, and the number of people who refuse to go to such locations is small enough to not be a deciding factor in the decision.

As to cruelty, I have kept exotics and animals in general for over 20 years. I am not talking about great cats. I am talking about reptiles primarily. I will happily have a logical debate with you on the topic if you are prepared to do so and have experience with the animals in question and are knowledgeable about their husbandry requirements. That said, if you are not familiar with species-specific needs, and are making your assessment based upon emotion and opinion, THAT, I will not debate. My animals are very well cared for, have a specialized reptile experienced vet to ensure optimal health, probably eat better than most people, and are even ambassadors for their respective communities in some cases.

If you can present sensible reasons for your opinions, let's go! I'm always up for educating people if they have open minds and do not cling to ignorance out of stubborn pride.
Where the OP is sadly mistaken is to take the position of 'it being the animals home'. Thereby lending rationalization that it is the 'paying customer' who should make adjustments and not her or her pets. This is WRONG. If you are opening your home (or hotel, apt, etc.) to paying customers, then it is incumbent upon you to provide an environment that is appropriate for the situation at hand. Place should be clean, safe, both pet and roommate free, etc. If you have pets, secure them separate and apart from where you greet customers and engage in your hippidy dippidy. At bare minimum, clients should be advised prior to their making the appointment that they are to expect pets, other people, etc. upon their arrival. Then it will be up to them as to whether they elect to proceed.

Remember back in the (ASP)Day when you could set an appointment and it'd be just you and the provider? Fuck, imagine that. Nowaday's, it's not altogether uncommon to arrive at an incall only to be mauled by a 'friendly, he doesn't bite' dog or be introduced to one, two, hell even three other 'friends' as you make your way to the bedroom. So much for discretion, aye?
I currently have ball pythons, monitor lizards, Argentine tegus, chameleons, bearded dragons, iguanas, an English bulldog (plan to show her), and just paid off a Sphynx kitten (plan to show him), and am paying on others.

It is actually very common for people who keep exotics to have sizable collections, and everyone has hobbies. This is my primary one. I have many high end color morphs and plan to breed them eventually. I am very active in the reptile hobby, support USARK, take in rescues to rehab or keep to help educate, and am working toward a career in veterinary medicine.

I am a homebody for the most part. I enjoy my animals, I take care of their needs, spoil them rotten, and that is my happiness in life. I simply offer my passion and this information as a small tad of insight about who I am beyond being a provider. I will say this, even though caged pets are in the same room, they are not coming out or near you. They are not a part of anyone's session. I would never jeopardize a hobbyist's or my animals' safety and risk a panicked person harming them.
I cannot speak to how others fail to train their animals. My dog and cat are show prospects. I take proper training and socialization very seriously.
There's a big snake in the plane, Jock.
Oh, that's just my pet snake, Reggie.
I hate snakes, Jock. I hate 'em.
C'mon, show a little backbone, will ya?
Yea, my doggie was not properly socialized - I spoiled her-my fault. This was before I was in the hobby. Back in the day, when I was in the housing industry - I learned that pets are a liability - not only in cost but also in -who wants to put up with the pet- not everybody is an animal lover. I myself am but I realize not everybody is so I make sure they don't have to put up with it..but that's just me
I've never had that breed Austin Ellen, but I have seen them at shows. Are they difficult to upkeep and groom? What do you feed? How energetic are they? Do you show? Do pup play dates?
Tan Khan's Avatar
Animals belong in the wild, not in a cages. Just because I love an animal doesn’t give me the right to condemn it to life in prison.
Thank you Tan, you answered me perfectly to clarify you are of that opinion but have no species-specific husbandry knowledge. Debating with you is now proven to be pointless, as you approach the topic with a clear lack of qualifications to discuss it with any understanding or credibility.