Capitalism does live on , But ?

I expect this will be a self destruction post but --> I could care less...
The Ladies prices suggested in Austin are out of LINE ... A false Inflation , a Bubble...
I have been playing with you ladies for years , many of you know me, some know of me, some of you could care less for me ... Matters little...
I am a business analyst - I get it !!! Overhead expenses , the cost of doing business , ROI , Low Volume ,
Demographics, etc etc etc !!! I get it !!!!
I am no longer going to participate with those of you who have fallen into the bubble -> " Worth Pricing Structure " ...
I am not going to negotiate ...
I am not suggesting I know all of You ( Ladies )...
I am saying the rates you are asking are out of line ... ( My opinion )

I am not as vocal on the board as I once was... Having cleared my throat now comes ->
I am no longer contributing to /
assisting in an artificially inflated local bubble

Well Said, Metal Smith.

While the ladies rates should reflect both fixed and variable costs, they need to understand that increasing rates will often decrease participation and lead to less total revenue than if they continued with existing rates and increased volume. There are numerous Econ 101 text books that demonstrate this phenomena and the principle is called decreasing marginal utility.

When the price of Gasoline decreased from over $3.00/gal to less than $2.00/gal, were the ladies who do out-calls decreasing their rates? No.

There is also something referred to in economics call elasticity of supply and demand which characterizes some products. If you can differentiate your product from your competitors, then you may successfully increase your price because clients desire your specific type of product over that of others. Now, if your product is a commodity which cannot be differentiated from that of other producers in the market, then you are at risk losing sales/clients if you increase prices while others hold the line with lower prices.

Efforts of banding together to either fix a high price (providers) or keep prices low (hobbyists) may well be doomed to failure from the start, unless the group has 100% participation (good luck with that one, guys/gals). We often see ladies and guys demonstrate this principle in SNATCH thread and ISO postings, where they are often offering or asking at prices other than market equilibrium. End of the month when many have bill come due is an example.

YES, Economics is a dismal science because the market factor work to control supply and demand, and to set prices based on conditions, not government price controls. If someone sets the price artificially low (price controls for Gas in the 70s/80s), then producers will not provide sufficient quantities and Black Markets will appear where the price floats to meet supply and demand--Higher of course than the price controls. If someone sets the prices artificially high (government subsidies for cheese), then producers will produce more of the product than the market can consume and there will be surpluses that need to be distributed or go to waste.

You may disagree with above, but it is most interesting to sit back and observe how this market functions, especially with provider end-of-month pricing by some ladies, visiting ladies who are either above/below ATX market prices, and with hobbyists always looking a good deal.

I will leave validation and challenge of my analysis above to others as a homework assignment. Yes, I used to teach College Econ classes.
Prepare for Twiggy y'all.....
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 05-27-2016, 08:29 PM
LOL BB trying to teach economics 101 to a room full od Hoggar Math Majors!

"I had 5 less visitors this I need to raise my rates"..."I had even less visitors after I raised my rates...guess I need to raise them more"...

Check this one out. Umm NO! Originally Posted by Satoshi
Wait, after your review her showcase and the extensive number of eccie reviews you may change your mind about her high rates: 350/hhr, 450/hr, 800/2 hr.

Or NOT. Pass for me...
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
My hooker math must be off...when gas went up.. I LOWERED my rates to help even it out

Nice to see you posting Metal
Pussy is a commodity. The owners of the commodity that let ya'll rent it aren't all trying to have it rented out 3+ times a day. If she does, totally cool then the volume may be viable for her.

When a chick has limited availability or only will accept one or two appointments a day then there isn't really any motivation to increase volume. The number of appointments she will accept bottlenecks any additional funds she might earn from volume.

The girl that ya'll linked to obviously isn't available all the time and honestly would pull the majority of her clients off EROS if she does advertise there. She isn't pricing herself out of Austin as a whole by a long shot. She just needs to target her potential client base. Believe it or not not all hobbyists are OPEC only.
Well Said, Metal Smith.

While the ladies rates should reflect both fixed and variable costs, they need to understand that increasing rates will often decrease participation and lead to less total revenue than if they continued with existing rates and increased volume. There are numerous Econ 101 text books that demonstrate this phenomena and the principle is called decreasing marginal utility.

When the price of Gasoline decreased from over $3.00/gal to less than $2.00/gal, were the ladies who do out-calls decreasing their rates? No.

There is also something referred to in economics call elasticity of supply and demand which characterizes some products. If you can differentiate your product from your competitors, then you may successfully increase your price because clients desire your specific type of product over that of others. Now, if your product is a commodity which cannot be differentiated from that of other producers in the market, then you are at risk losing sales/clients if you increase prices while others hold the line with lower prices.

Efforts of banding together to either fix a high price (providers) or keep prices low (hobbyists) may well be doomed to failure from the start, unless the group has 100% participation (good luck with that one, guys/gals). We often see ladies and guys demonstrate this principle in SNATCH thread and ISO postings, where they are often offering or asking at prices other than market equilibrium. End of the month when many have bill come due is an example.

YES, Economics is a dismal science because the market factor work to control supply and demand, and to set prices based on conditions, not government price controls. If someone sets the price artificially low (price controls for Gas in the 70s/80s), then producers will not provide sufficient quantities and Black Markets will appear where the price floats to meet supply and demand--Higher of course than the price controls. If someone sets the prices artificially high (government subsidies for cheese), then producers will produce more of the product than the market can consume and there will be surpluses that need to be distributed or go to waste.

You may disagree with above, but it is most interesting to sit back and observe how this market functions, especially with provider end-of-month pricing by some ladies, visiting ladies who are either above/below ATX market prices, and with hobbyists always looking a good deal.

I will leave validation and challenge of my analysis above to others as a homework assignment. Yes, I used to teach College Econ classes.
Originally Posted by BugleBoy
Pussy is a commodity. The owners of the commodity that let ya'll rent it aren't all trying to have it rented out 3+ times a day. If she does, totally cool then the volume may be viable for her.

When a chick has limited availability or only will accept one or two appointments a day then there isn't really any motivation to increase volume. The number of appointments she will accept bottlenecks any additional funds she might earn from volume.

The girl that ya'll linked to obviously isn't available all the time and honestly would pull the majority of her clients off EROS if she does advertise there. She isn't pricing herself out of Austin as a whole by a long shot. She just needs to target her potential client base. Believe it or not not all hobbyists are OPEC only. Originally Posted by SA Angel
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
When tha cost o' poossy is too high fer mah pock'tbook, Ah jack off.

Ah jacks off A LOT! A hole lot. Purt near all tha time.
DD - you crack me up when I can understand you!

When tha cost o' poossy is too high fer mah pock'tbook, Ah jack off.

Ah jacks off A LOT! A hole lot. Purt near all tha time. Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 05-28-2016, 07:45 AM
If you watch the trends through the years, the OVERCHARGERz generally go away over time.

They find they arent getting the number of visits they need to substantiate their lifestyle & become jaded. Rather than find a happy medium of price/marketability, they still demand an inflated rate. Eventually they exit the hobby all pissed off because the value prop just isnt there for them. Sometimes they come back on the board under a Mandle or a new provider handle & lecture everyone on why paying too much is expected.

There are the "part timers" who have real world jobs, or a BF/Hubby who supplies the bulk of the income, or who job the system to get enough Gov'ment Cheese to offset what they don't make for themselves. They hold to the high rates cause they arent dependent on fucking to supply them with their base needs. And a hoogars base needs? Rent, Car, Food, Mani-Pedis...thats it. They are usually kind of bland and boring BCD, cause its a "set" menu they follow almost everytime...

SOME girls negotiate behind the scenes. They have their "posted" price & their "honey just for you price". These girls tend to prosper. They suck the high rate out of the gullible & desperate, and offer a discounted rate to the Mongers that they like & enjoy spending time with. They tend to hang around the longest & in my experience, provide the most enjoyable company.

SOME girls just say "You know, FUCK IT, I like sex & I make decent money so heres a great rate to keep you boys happy & cumming around"...they are the MOST fun BCD, cause it really AIN'T all about the money to them.

Heres a little chart my crack crew of analysts put together to show the trends.

Hmmmmmm, you use the word Cunt like it's a bad thing. If the same scenario would be applied to a man he would be known as a successful business person. Interesting.