Jerry Seinfeld in "Hot Watet" over Black Lives Matter Pun

Well, the "I don't have a life so I will be perpetually offended" crowd strikes again.

Fukin Morons
  • DSK
  • 01-27-2017, 09:05 PM
I hope the black people keep this shit up and make everyone hate them.

Except Assup - I hope they make him their bitch and stick their dicks in his faggot ass for the last 10 miserable years of his pathetic cocksucking life. I hope they smear shit on his face and stuff pork down his fake kosher throat.
LexusLover's Avatar
Have the Black Lives Matter folks at least apologized to the families of the dead police officers who were ambushed by a "sniper" while protecting them?
  • DSK
  • 01-28-2017, 08:42 AM
Have the Black Lives Matter folks at least apologized to the families of the dead police officers who were ambushed by a "sniper" while protecting them? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I'm pretty sure they feel they got what they deserved. Only black lives matter to some of them...
LexusLover's Avatar
Where are the BLM supporters? Been quiet lately.
Where are the BLM supporters? Been quiet lately. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Maybe they are starting to realize that Black Lives don't matter anymore than any other life. The secret is how you live your life. Most blacks don't know how to live. They spend too much time bitching and moaning about shit they have no control over.

LexusLover's Avatar
Maybe they are starting to realize that Black Lives don't matter anymore than any other life. The secret is how you live your life. Most blacks don't know how to live. They spend too much time bitching and moaning about shit they have no control over.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
IMO they have taken erroneous facts and reacted to them, which has marginalized their cause and minimized their credibility. Early in life I was taught not to leap into murky waters. The results are more often than not negative.
The Soros Outrage Machine has decided to throw money at white womyn who can't attract dicks to protest for abortion on demand.

Like I said before, I firmly decided to vote for Trump when some people said that "All lives matter" was racist.
LexusLover's Avatar
...I firmly decided to vote for Trump when some people said that "All lives matter" was racist. Originally Posted by gnadfly
When I saw HillaryNoMore needing assistance to get in a van, I figured a lot of folks (nonRussians) began to have grave doubts!

Trump's working 12 hours days. No golf yet.
Chicago: 75% of Murdered are Black, 71% of Murderers are Black

Chicago has the RIGHT solution. It's run by a bunch of socialist lefties. Chicago shows that "Black lives Matter" by packing them all together, give them welfare, no responsibility, no accountability, etc... Seems to workout pretty good. The young chimps slaughter each other in droves on a daily basis. Must be whitey's fault.

The BLM crowd are a bunch of fools. If black lives do matter, BLM movement folks need to look in the mirror first. Stop killing each other would be a good start.
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump's working 12 hours days. No golf yet. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Six days a week ...

.... and boy is he pissing off the entitlement crowd!

They still think he's not President.

HillaryNoMore's little lap dog, Terror AughtNot, Governor, thinks he's President now, and he's going to tell the POTUS what to do!
Six days a week ...

.... and boy is he pissing off the entitlement crowd!

They still think he's not President.

HillaryNoMore's little lap dog, Terror AughtNot, Governor, thinks he's President now, and he's going to tell the POTUS what to do! Originally Posted by LexusLover
McAuliffe ? That ought to go well, him trying to tell Trump what to do. Especially after someone reminds " The Donald " about all of those convicts that McAuliffe pardoned right before the election !
  • DSK
  • 01-28-2017, 06:09 PM
Chicago: 75% of Murdered are Black, 71% of Murderers are Black

Chicago has the RIGHT solution. It's run by a bunch of socialist lefties. Chicago shows that "Black lives Matter" by packing them all together, give them welfare, no responsibility, no accountability, etc... Seems to workout pretty good. The young chimps slaughter each other in droves on a daily basis. Must be whitey's fault.

The BLM crowd are a bunch of fools. If black lives do matter, BLM movement folks need to look in the mirror first. Stop killing each other would be a good start. Originally Posted by Muscleup
I agree completely. If it were a city run by the KKK they couldn't do a better job of killing black people than by getting them to kill each other.
LexusLover's Avatar
McAuliffe ? That ought to go well, him trying to tell Trump what to do. Especially after someone reminds " The Donald " about all of those convicts that McAuliffe pardoned right before the election ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua

Did you hear the duffus? Releasing criminals and not vetting foreigners before they are allowed into his State! He's going to get "his Attorney General" involved in fighting the EO! The Government should be able to recover litigation expenses against him and his AG for bringing a frivolous lawsuit!