Top Democrats contemplate civil war if Biden loses

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Top Democrats contemplate civil war if Biden loses

Yet the media still only talks about Trump not accepting the result

Cockburn August 6, 2020 7:09 AM

The chattering caste of Washington DC has spent much of the summer obsessed with the idea that Donald Trump will refuse to leave office if he loses in November, as Cockburn has already noted.

This perennial topic was silly enough when it was restricted to Nancy Pelosi making awkward assertions on cable television. But in the last two weeks, like QAnon, the fantasy has become substantially more elaborate, and less healthy. Numerous outlets, led by the Boston Globe, have showered attention on an endeavor calling itself the ‘Transition Integrity Project.’ The project brought together…well, not exactly big names in American politics, but certainly many people who would like to think they are big names: former Scott Walker aide Liz Mair, ex-Bush speechwriter David Frum, former DNC chair Donna Brazile, and so forth. Once assembled, these sort-of-distinguished personages played out simulations (‘games’) of four possible 2020 election outcomes: a large Biden win, a narrow Biden win, a narrow Trump win (while losing the popular vote), and an election with no real clear winner at all.

The headlines, and the Transition Integrity Project, all emphasized that the simulations showed the threat posed to democracy by the Apricot Adolf.

‘We…assess that President Trump is likely to contest the result by both legal and extra-legal means, in an attempt to hold onto power,’ the project’s final report says.

But Cockburn has a quibble. Though labeled ‘bipartisan’, the simulation seems to be entirely the work of Democrats alongside anti-Trump Republicans. Nobody actually allied with the President appears to have played a role in the simulations. Cockburn isn’t always the smartest but, saying that President Trump is ‘likely’ to contest an election result, simply because his enemies think he wants to, doesn’t strike him as very newsworthy.

Far more interesting, and totally unnoticed, is the behavior of former Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. Podesta also took part in the simulations, and unlike the anti-Trump Republicans, he wasn’t pretending to be someone he hates. Instead, organizers did the sensible thing: they had an anti-Trump Democrat portray an anti-Trump Democrat. Because the simulation designers apparently wanted to torment him as much as possible, Podesta had to endure an exact 2016 repeat: he played Joe Biden in a simulation where Trump loses the popular vote but wins a close but convincing victory in the Electoral College.

Buried at the bottom of a New York Times article, the paper describes what Podesta did:

‘Mr Podesta, playing Mr Biden, shocked the organizers by saying he felt his party wouldn’t let him concede. Alleging voter suppression, he persuaded the governors of Wisconsin and Michigan to send pro-Biden electors to the Electoral College.

‘In that scenario, California, Oregon, and Washington then threatened to secede from the United States if Mr Trump took office as planned.’

This was so astonishing that Cockburn’s monocle nearly popped off reading it — and he doesn’t even wear one. The actual text of the final report is even more jarring. According to a summary of the game, while acting as Biden — rather than accept defeat — Podesta actively instigated secession, and then issued an ultimatum: Trump could only begin his second term if Puerto Rico and DC became states, California was cut into five pieces, and the Electoral College was abolished. When the ultimatum was refused, Podesta got the Democratic House (played by other Democrats) to declare Biden the president, and then watched to see how the military would react. If you think Cockburn exaggerates, here’s what the document says about ‘Game 3: Clear Trump win’ (a scenario in which Trump wins the Electoral College and the popular vote)

‘The Biden campaign encouraged Western states, particularly California but also Oregon and Washington and collectively known as “Cascadia” to secede from the union unless Congressional Republicans agreed to a set of structural reforms to fix our democratic system to ensure majority rule. With advice from President Obama, the Biden Campaign submitted a proposal to 1) give statehood to Washington, DC and Puerto Rico; 2) divide California into five states to more accurately represent the population in the Senate; 3) require Supreme Court Justices retire at 70; and 4) eliminate the Electoral College, to ensure the candidate who wins the popular vote…’

And it goes on,

‘One of the most consequential moves was that Team Biden on January 6 provoked a breakdown in the joint session of Congress by getting the House of Representatives to agree to award the presidency to Biden (based on the alternative pro-Biden submissions sent by pro-Biden governors.) Pence and the GOP refused to accept this, declaring instead that Trump was re-elected under the Constitution because of his Electoral College victory. This partisan division remained unresolved because neither side backed down, and January 20 arrived without a single president-elect entitled to be Commander-in-Chief after noon that day. It was unclear what the military would do in this situation.’

Now, understandably everyone wants to be gentle with Podesta after his stressful 2016 moment, but shouldn’t this merit a headline somewhere? Something like ‘Top Democrats Contemplate Civil War If Biden Loses?’ But that hasn’t happened (until now, thanks to The Spectator). Instead, we’ve just had another suffocating glut of anxious warnings that Donald Trump is planning to ignore the election.

It’s enough to leave even Cockburn nervous. When Democrats and the press warn that Trump will try and override the election result, are they simply being hysterical? Or are they, as psychologists like to say, projecting?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
someone here said civil war is coming.

would the dems dare to play that card if trump wins again with the electoral vote minus the popular vote.

I know, its a a simulation game the dems ran. how they ran it was interesting.

one things for sure, its more resistance fodder.
Actually, I could see the scenario playing out, compounded by all the mail in ballots being counted slowly and hopefully, fairly.

I would let California secede, though - no problem - who needs those fuckers?
  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2020, 10:17 AM
Thanks for the article - DF
I am unsure that nazi pelosi and schmer have the 'nads' to go through with that unconstitutional scenario - not that they would not consider it.

if the Senate remained a republican majority - likely their efforts would be blocked.

It is not constitutional to secede from the Union - the 1861-1865 Civil War in our country firmly established that.

Texas is the only state with the ability to divide into up to 5 individual sttes - but not secede.

Not that many Kalifornia denizens should't go ahead and leave for russia, china, or Venezuela.

And kalifornians - Stay the hell OUT of Texas - you are not wanted!!!!

Failure of the attempted coup by nazi pelosi, et al - - would likely mean arrest and justified prosecution under the Constitution.

Would the DPST's foment an armed rebellion by antifa and their OBLM pet revolutionaries - Oh Yes - It is already underway in the hands of the radical Marxists of their party in the West Coast and DPST led big cities - witness the DPST fomented riots and violence - and not a word about it from the DPST DC leadership.

They are fixated on criminalizing Trump - while fomenting an armed revolution against the Constitution and Rule of law - and acting so very distant from their results in the shit hole cities they run with Iron fist!

DPST's are fomenting Armed rebellion and a Marxist revolution.

A vote for Biden is a vote to never hold another election in Amerika!
I would let texas secede
When BushII was on his way out, the Dem's narrative was he wasn't going to leave. That went on for months. When Obama was scheduled to leave, there were talks about Obama refusing to leave even though it was quickly squashed by the Republicans. The Democrats talked about setting up 'a shadow government.' Then the Dems came up with their treason ploy.

Now there's talk about Trump not leaving office and a possible civil war. I'm taking the later seriously. I don't trust the vote counters, the post office and the Democrats.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...would the dems dare to play that card if trump wins again with the electoral vote minus the popular vote.... Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Have you not been watching the coming attraction trailers being played in Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, Chicago, Austin, etc. already?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
When BushII was on his way out, the Dem's narrative was he wasn't going to leave. That went on for months. When Obama was scheduled to leave, there were talks about Obama refusing to leave even though it was quickly squashed by the Republicans. The Democrats talked about setting up 'a shadow government.' Then the Dems came up with their treason ploy.

Now there's talk about Trump not leaving office and a possible civil war. I'm taking the later seriously. I don't trust the vote counters, the post office and the Democrats. Originally Posted by gnadfly

i recall that also. paranoid delusions. some made the same claim about Obama. but it's never been taken to the level it is now with Trump.

just one quick example of intentional media distortion .. recall a while back the media howler monkeys claimed Trump said he'd still be president in 10 years? bahaaa. not what he said at all ..

let's revisit just one of the many intentional media distortions to pander to the left's absolute hate of all things Trump.

let's start with the "shocking" headline that Evil Lord Trump will usurp democracy!

Trump talks about serving '14 more years' as president

Donald Trump has again mused about serving more than the legal limit of two terms as US president, during an extraordinary exchange with reporters outside the White House.

“What they’re doing, is they’re trying the racist deal. And that’s not going to work, because I am the least racist person ever to serve in office, OK?” Mr Trump said on Wednesday in reference to the New York Times, which has angered him over its renewed focus on racial division in America.

“I am the least racist person. But the New York Times, they’re trying everything they can. It is a totally dishonest newspaper. It’s the paper that really has lost tremendous credibility.”

what Evil Lord Trump the usurper really said ..

“Let me tell you. In six years – or maybe 10 or maybe 14, right? – in six years, when I’m not here, the New York Times goes out of business very quickly.”

While the president has joked with increasing frequency about continuing as president beyond 2025 – when he would be required by the constitution to step down – his latest reference displayed no clear indication he was attempting be humorous.

It also came on a day in which Mr Trump, even by his standards, dominated the news agenda by veering wildly between partisan attacks, blatant mistruths, and authoritarian proposals.

On Wednesday, he:
Previous examples of Mr Trump's flirtation with unlimited term limits include a June tweet in which he floated the idea American voters could demand he stay at the White House beyond 2025.

“The good news is that at the end of 6 years, after America has been made GREAT again and I leave the beautiful White House (do you think the people would demand that I stay longer? KEEP AMERICA GREAT),” he said.

The following month, while railing against media companies he disapproves of, he wrote: "When I ultimately leave office in six years, or maybe 10 or 14 (just kidding), they will quickly go out of business for lack of credibility, or approval, from the public."

The following month, while railing against media companies he disapproves of, he wrote: "When I ultimately leave office in six years, or maybe 10 or 14 (just kidding), they will quickly go out of business for lack of credibility, or approval, from the public."

He has also repeatedly tweeted a video meme depicting him campaigning for president throughout the remainder of the 21st century. Until recently it was pinned to the top of his personal Twitter account.

The president has previously suggested he only jokes about remaining as president beyond two terms in an effort to provoke liberals, while critics have suggested he does so with a view to gradually normalising the concept among voters.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
someone here said civil war is coming.

would the dems dare to play that card if trump wins again with the electoral vote minus the popular vote.

I know, its a a simulation game the dems ran. how they ran it was interesting.

one things for sure, its more resistance fodder. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
It is what it is. If Trump wins the electoral vote I will accept it. There will be a lot of unhappy people on November 4th no matter who wins.
  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2020, 04:59 PM
SR - you may be willing to acept a Trump victory on NOv 3 - but the DPST's will lead riots in the streets of their cities - further burning down and damaging the vulnerable lower socieconomic groups.

Why - to undermine representative democracy - and keep a loyal underclass in their burned out shells - dependent on welfare and government succor. Not a bad strategy when the aim is to burn it all down to the ground. nov 3 is looking like a starting point for major conflagrations - the entree ' for a new Socialist utopia!

remember - SR - U aided and abetted and enabled these terrorists.

The reverse - if you think a Biden victory will settle things down - Very mistaken - it will further enable the fomenting of riots and burning for their Marxist violent revolution.

and Biden is too senile to comprehend the matter.

Either way the Nov 3 election goes - Violent riots and burning adn looting - and rape, assault, murder -are on the agenda of the OBLM and AntiFa.

Not to mention the murder of a 5 year old riding his bike - by a black ( likely OBLM adherent) who evidently decided to start his murder rampage several months too early "
Five-year-old boy is shot dead at point blank range by neighbour, 25, as he rides bike in his own front yard in front of his two sisters, 8 and 7

  • North Carolina police charged Darius Sessoms, 25, Monday with the murder of five-year-old Cannon Hinnant
  • Hinnant's family say the boy was riding his bike in front of his father's house in Wilson on Sunday when Sessoms approached and shot him in the head
  • The young boy's two sisters, 7 and 8, witnessed the shooting
  • Sessoms is their next-door neighbor and the families are said to have known each other for years
  • A motive for the killing has not been released but a family member said the young boy rode into Sessoms' yard
  • Neighbors say Sessoms had visited Hinnat's father Austin earlier that day

Darius Sessoms, 25, was charged on Monday with the murder of five-year-old Cannon Hinnant in North Carolina

North Carolina police have charged a neighbor with the murder of a five-year-old boy who was riding a bike in his own yard when he was shot at point blank range on Sunday evening.
Darius Sessoms, 25, was taken into custody by Wilson police around 24 hours after he allegedly approached Cannon Hinnant in front of the young boy's father's house at 5:30pm and shot him in the head.
Hinnant's seven-year-old and eight-year-old sisters witnessed the killing, their mother told WRAL.
Sessoms lived next door to the family, and the killing is not believed to be random. Neighbors claim he had dinner with Hinnant's father Austin on Friday and had been over at the house earlier on Sunday.
The motive for the killing is still under investigation, but a GoFundMe established by a family member says that the young boy rode into Sessoms' yard.

'Sunday, August 9, 2020 a sweet soul named Cannon Hinnant was taken from this world over a senseless act,' it reads.
'A beautiful 5 year old baby boy riding his bicycle was shot by his neighbor point blank in Wilson NC. One minute he is enjoying his life, the next it all ends because he rode into his neighbor's yard.

This is what the DPST's are enabling - and what we face nov 3 - race riots and Civil war due to the feckless DPST leadership!
HoeHummer's Avatar
I wonder ... how do a bunch of old white cellar dwelling pensioners win a war in the street?

Please send us snapshots from the front lines oebsy!

Yous have been calling for armed civil war for months. Yous must be in training by now, eh?

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
All that needs to be done is send them a fake tv feed to their basement hide hole and set it up so they decide to bunker for a decade until the war is over.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Did you hear about one of the largest daily shootings in one city? Not if you were watching MSNBC. 21 Blacks shot and 1 dead.

Tucker rips lack of coverage of DC mass shooting, claims media silent to help Biden campaign

'Dead bodies don't count unless they are politically useful dead bodies'

The single biggest U.S. mass shooting of 2020 occurred over the weekend in Washington, but because the story didn't "help the Biden campaign," it went largely unreported on, Tucker Carlson said Monday.

"Twenty-one people were shot in this single incident ... more than half of them were women. One was a D.C. Police officer. It was the single biggest mass shooting in America this year and yet you probably heard nothing about it," the "Tucker Carlson Tonight" host said.

"Members of Congress didn’t lock arms on the House floor to demand an end to the gun violence, CNN didn't book a procession of weepy teenage gun-control activists ... news organizations barely touched the story and when they did, they moved fast," Carlson continued. "It wouldn't help the Biden campaign to talk about it, so they didn't talk about it. "
The shooting took place at a large gathering early Sunday in a residential neighborhood in southeast Washington D.C. A teenager was killed and 20 others were wounded at the scene. The Washington, D.C. police officer who was wounded is said to be "fighting for her life."
"As far as we can tell, neither CNN or MSNBC even mentioned it today," Carlson said. "Now they acted like it didn't happen, but it did happen. Twenty-one African-Americans shot by gunmen and yet the media spent all weekend telling you about how Simon Cowell fell off his electric bike in Malibu because really, Black Lives Matter."
The episode is an obvious example of the media's glaring double standard, Carlson said.

"Dead bodies don't count unless they are politically useful dead bodies."

Lol n wtf. Trump has no chance of winning. He needs to get the fuck out and declare more bankruptcies lol.
How would the party of Tree Huggers ever think about a civil war? This idea is right up there with Obama being part of a Secret Society, planning to take away every ones guns, send federal troops to take Texas. If anyone is thinking about a civil war it would be the party that carries all the guns. What people don’t consider is that a civil war would bring in outside influence. The US is usually the country that standup to outside interference when I country goes through civil conflict.