AP FACT CHECK: Harris eligible to serve as VP, president

  • oeb11
  • 08-15-2020, 01:21 PM

K. Harris is a natural born American citizen.

Please note - the AP ( a Leftist Marxist organ of the DPST party) makes the point that K. Harris is entitled to serve as POTUS - setting the stage for the marxist revolutionary to take over from Biden promptly after the election.

giving the Bernie Boys and AOC a radical Communist as themselves - something to vote for.

Clever of the DPST party - bring a 'Ringer' now touted as 'Moderate" - when her voting record is anything but a Moderate Centrist of America.

She would have been welcome in Lenin's and Stalin's Russia - and reveres Maduro and Castro.

SR - Ideology uber Alles - better join the America communist party now - anyone not a member before the election will be underclass, if not put up against a wall and shot out of hand.

CHICAGO (AP) — False claims that Kamala Harris is not legally eligible to serve as U.S. vice president or president have been circulating in social media posts since 2019, when she first launched her Democratic primary campaign. © Provided by Associated Press Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden's running mate Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Biden receive a virtual briefing on COVID-19 from public health experts in Wilmington, Del., Thursday, Aug. 13, 2020. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster) On Thursday, after Harris was selected by Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden to serve as his running mate, President Donald Trump elevated the conspiracy while speaking to reporters from the White House podium.

A look at the claim:
THE CLAIM: Harris is ineligible to serve as vice president or president because her mother is from India and her father is from Jamaica. Trump said he “heard" the California senator doesn't meet the requirements, adding, “I have no if idea that’s right.”
THE FACTS: That’s false. Harris was born on Oct. 20, 1964, in Oakland, California, according to a copy of her birth certificate, obtained by The Associated Press.
Her mother, a cancer researcher from India, and her father, an economist from Jamaica, met as graduate students at the University of California, Berkeley.
Since she was born on U.S. soil, she is considered a natural born U.S. citizen under the 14th Amendment, and she is eligible to serve as either the vice president or president, Jessica Levinson, a professor at Loyola Law School, told The Associated Press Thursday.
“Full stop, end of story, period, exclamation point,” Levinson said.
There is “no serious dispute” in the legal community around the idea that someone born in the U.S. can serve as president, said Juliet Sorensen, a law professor at Northwestern University.
“The VP has the same eligibility requirements as the president,” Sorensen said. “Kamala Harris, she has to be a natural-born citizen, at least 35 years old, and a resident in the United States for at least 14 years. She is. That’s really the end of the inquiry.”
Trump was asked directly about the social media posts by a reporter Thursday. “I heard today that she doesn’t meet the requirements,” Trump said in response.
The false claims first started circulating on social media in 2019, during Harris’ presidential campaign, and they were revived against last week, days ahead of her selection as Biden's running mate. Facebook posts falsely said she would not be eligible to take over for Biden, because her parents were both immigrants.
“I can’t believe people are making this idiotic comment,” Laurence Tribe, a Harvard University professor of constitutional law, told The Associated Press at the time. “She is a natural-born citizen and there is no question about her eligibility to run.”
Trump was a high-profile force behind the so-called “birther movement” — the lie that questioned whether President Barack Obama, the nation’s first Black president, was eligible to serve. Only after mounting pressure during his 2016 campaign did Trump disavow the claims.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I saw the original story by USA Today and was wondering where this came from. Obviously fake news but there had to be a beginning. Drew Sciuridae posted on 2 August this stupidity and by the 12th had been reposted 2000 times. I guess USA Today thought it needed more exposure so they wrote a story about nothing. Trolling is the word that they use. A major newspaper trolling the public...
Drew takes pictures of his food, plays with Legos, and wants Justin Bieber deported. I guess USA Today got trolled.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I'm sure her parents got naturalized later one. I could not a find a cite for that one.
USA Today should be out of business soon. Not a credible news source. Their opinion pieces are straight out of the DNC narrative. I don't even think they physically print papers anymore.

TRB, what do you expect? Newspapers, TV Newshows and other major media outlets trolled America with Russian Collusion stories for 3 years.
It really doesn't matter where she was born. This country is so divided on every front, Racially, Politically, Economically and Spiritually for any positive changes to take place. I don't think Biden and Harris will bring about anything beneficial because that's not where there heart is at. They will only bring out the worse in America not the best, because thats how they got to where they're at in the first place.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I saw the original story by USA Today and was wondering where this came from. Obviously fake news but there had to be a beginning. Drew Sciuridae posted on 2 August this stupidity and by the 12th had been reposted 2000 times. I guess USA Today thought it needed more exposure so they wrote a story about nothing. Trolling is the word that they use. A major newspaper trolling the public...
Drew takes pictures of his food, plays with Legos, and wants Justin Bieber deported. I guess USA Today got trolled. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

you forget the best for last .. this asshole ... Larry Tribe.

“I can’t believe people are making this idiotic comment,” Laurence Tribe, a Harvard University professor of constitutional law, told The Associated Press at the time. “She is a natural-born citizen and there is no question about her eligibility to run.”


Laurence H. Tribe, the Carl M. Loeb University Professor and Professor of Constitutional Law at Harvard, has taught at its Law School since 1968 and was voted the best professor by the graduating class of 2000. A much sought-after appellate advocate as well as a distinguished academic, Tribe has prevailed in three-fifths of the many appellate cases he has argued (including 35 in the U.S. Supreme Court). The title "University Professor," which Tribe has held since 2004, is Harvard's highest academic honor, awarded to just a handful of professors at any given time and to fewer than 70 professors in all of Harvard University's history.

Tribe was appointed in 2010 by President Obama and Attorney General Holder to serve as the first Senior Counselor for Access to Justice; currently serves as a Member of the President's Commission on White House Fellowships; and has written 115 books and articles, including his treatise, American Constitutional Law, cited more than any other legal text since 1950. Former Solicitor General Erwin Griswold wrote: "[N]o book, and no lawyer not on the [Supreme] Court, has ever had a greater influence on the development of American constitutional law," and the Northwestern Law Review opined that no-one else "in American history has... simultaneously achieved Tribe's preeminence... as a practitioner and... scholar of constitutional law."

Born in China to Russian Jewish parents, Tribe entered Harvard at 16; graduated summa cum laude in Mathematics (1962) and magna cum laude in Law (1966); clerked for the California and U.S. Supreme Courts(1966-68); received tenure at 30; was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences at 38 and to the American Philosophical Society in 2010; helped write the constitutions of South Africa, the Czech Republic, and the Marshall Islands; and has received ten honorary degrees, most recently a degree honoris causa from the Government of Mexico in March 2011 that was never before awarded to an American.

LOL he's a commie. let's look at some of his notable students at good old Harvard ..

Notable students
Barack Obama[2]
Ted Cruz
John Roberts[3]
Elena Kagan[4]
Kathleen Sullivan[2

quite the list. several of the usual leftist suspects. one wonders how Teddy Cruz avoided liberalization at Harvard? Roberts used to be conservative. is he still?
  • oeb11
  • 08-15-2020, 05:45 PM
Tribe is a harvard marxist - with all of the entitlement that provides the bastard.

he is right up there in trying to impose marxism on America with Noam Chomsky and other 9500 marxist heroes
  • oeb11
  • 08-15-2020, 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

J - well done - Harris' major talent!!!!
It will be fun to watch the over joyed secret service+ hauling that idiot in chief out of the real Americans White House over the fake news election. We only thought he made America look stupid. Just wait lol
  • oeb11
  • 08-15-2020, 06:11 PM
For Once - You have a point - If biden is elected - his inauguration drool will make America look stupid.

Then harris will boot him out adn take the Oval Office by 25th Amendment - and proceed to show us all how Maduro Venezuela Marxism really works as she does it to her Amerika.

She is an Indian marxist - as her parents are - and detests anything not approved by the marxist narrative.

Look stupid - when she and Lizzie destroy the stock markets and corporations of America - destroy the economy - while hiking taxes to the point that people have no more money for their lives.

Yes - Amerika will look very stupid.

You are welcome to Vote for Biden and Stupid!
It really doesn't matter where she was born. This country is so divided on every front, Racially, Politically, Economically and Spiritually for any positive changes to take place. I don't think Biden and Harris will bring about anything beneficial because that's not where there heart is at. They will only bring out the worse in America not the best, because thats how they got to where they're at in the first place. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Yes, the country is too fractured along racial grievance lines to ever recover.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Funny part is the fake news started it again ,, joey and Hoey
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Sniff and Blow
matchingmole's Avatar