CNN Miles Taylor: Former DHS official: Trump will 'align with dictators around the world' if he wins

  • oeb11
  • 08-18-2020, 05:17 PM

Miles Taylor: Former DHS official: Trump will 'align with dictators around the world' if he wins

A former senior Trump administration official who is endorsing Joe Biden's presidential campaign said Tuesday that if President Donald Trump wins a second term he will "align with dictators around the world."
© YouTube/ Republican Voters Against Trump "There are people serving very close to the President that have told me verbatim we should expect, quote, 'shock and awe' if the President wins a second term. You will see a flurry of executive orders. You will see the President pull out of foreign alliances. You will see the President align with dictators around the world," said Miles Taylor, who served as chief of staff to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, in an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper on "The Lead."

"And if right now we're less safe because we have fewer friends and stronger enemies than before, you can expect to see that on steroids in another four years of the Trump administration," Taylor added.
On Monday, Taylor endorsed Biden's White House bid, becoming one of the highest-ranking former Trump administration officials to do so.
Taylor has accused Trump of repeatedly using his office for political purposes, including directing officials to cut wildfire relief funding to California because voters there overwhelmingly opposed him in 2016.
A longtime Republican and political appointee at DHS from 2017 to 2019, Taylor endorsed the former vice president in a video produced by the group Republican Voters Against Trump in which he also made several allegations about Trump's conduct. He also wrote an op-ed published in The Washington Post calling the President "dangerous" for America.
Earlier Tuesday, Trump downplayed Taylor's role in his administration, calling him a "disgruntled employee" despite the fact he served at a senior level.
Taylor described to Tapper several incidents he witnessed that he says shed light on Trump's character, including one in which the President appeared to endorse the use of tear gas on migrants along the US-Mexico border.
"I distinctly remember an incident at the Southwest border. We had a case where we had a number of migrants charging a border station. Now what normally happens is border patrol has to do crowd control measures to protect officers on the line so limited tear gas was used to make sure that facility wasn't charged," he said.
"When Donald Trump saw that on TV, he actually thought what we were doing was starting just to gas migrants across the border as a tactic. In fact, he immediately called the secretary of Homeland Security to say, 'This is great, I love what you're doing, keep it going.' He thought gassing was a policy when really it was a safety measure in that one moment for officers."
"I think that tells you a lot about the President's character," Taylor said. "And that's why I think this is a character election."
Taylor also claimed that the White House is working to "dig up dirt" on him because of his rebuke of Trump.
"I just got word within the past hour that a White House liaison employee at the department has been directed to go around to dig up dirt on me. Now, look, I'm fine with that. I can handle it," he said.
"But here's the point: the administration, within hours of me speaking out about this, is already using taxpayer dollars for political purposes at the department. That just goes to show you that they can't break out of this cycle," Taylor added.

The usual CNN and LSM Lying Propaganda - "People told me" - but no names and no corroboration. The usual CNN Lies.

There is no propaganda so low that the LSM won't sink there.

and here comes a carpetbagger type who was not in teh Oval Office - looking to move up in teh DPST ranks - which this opportunist sees as a winner in Nov 2020.

Goebbels lessons were learned and emulated well by the LSM - and one may expect a marxist Fascist government under harris. The Constitution will be no longer extant by 2024 if Biden is elected.

The thing they ignore - please name the dictators trump would 'align with" - maduro, Iran, China - all devout enemies of Trump who see an opportunity to manipulate a weak American president in Biden. Taylor - is a pawn of foreign interests - Xi or Putin most likely

IMHO - and with no proof !
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The thing they ignore - please name the dictators trump would 'align with" - maduro, Iran, China - all devout enemies of Trump who see an opportunity to manipulate a weak American president in Biden. Taylor - is a pawn of foreign interests - Xi or Putin most likely

IMHO - and with no proof ! Originally Posted by oeb11

like Obama, Biden/Harris will allign with dicktators.

just another way of telegraphing their intentions by blaming someone for doing what they plan on doing.
matchingmole's Avatar
Trump won't no big deal
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump won't no big deal Originally Posted by matchingmole
matchingmole's Avatar
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingtroll
learn to do it right or don't do it at all

once you master this lesson i'll teach you the TWK double like. No, not really.

Lapdog's Avatar
learn to do it right or don't do it at all

once you master this lesson i'll teach you the TWK double like. No, not really.

BAHHAHAHAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Still double-liking your own posts, Weeaboo?

pleasurem's Avatar
Loser Democrats is the bottom line... Obama, Bush, Carter... worst Presidents in the last 60 years... I don’t like Trump, but he’s probably the best President since Reagan!!!
the guy sounds like maybe trump let him go
HoeHummer's Avatar
the guy sounds like maybe trump let him go Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Trumps let’s go anybody who isn’t mushroom eating pond scum bud. Yous know that.
rexdutchman's Avatar
cnn = ignorance is bliss
matchingmole's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 08-19-2020, 09:10 AM
For Once - thanks mm
Two of the better journalists reporting FACTS today.

Something your lying LSM avoids like the Wuhan virus.
matchingmole's Avatar

That's funny
  • oeb11
  • 08-19-2020, 09:52 AM
Not a 'journalist" to be found in the LSM - they just script propaganda and Lies for the XiNN and DNC!!
Poor mm unable to understand journalists deal with verifiable truth and facts - something the LSM never does.