Mice, Welfare, And an explanation for pantifaBLM behaviour

texassapper's Avatar
AN interesting article on a pretty well known experiment in animal behaviour.

This is what happens to societies that give the children participation trophies.

The lessons of history, confirmed by the evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. ~FDR 1935
He wanted to pack the courts too... (What is it with Liberals and their inability to understand the Constitution.)

“The welfare state shields people from the consequences of their own mistakes, allowing irresponsibility to continue and to flourish among ever wider circles of people.” ~ Thomas Sowell
We've subsidized bad human behaviour and now we will get more of it. Until we stop subsidizing it.
matchingmole's Avatar
The Daily Fodder....lol. Another semi slick website that caters to RWNJ's...almost a hundred of 'em

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
best explanation that i've seen regarding the welfare society. this is one of the reasons why we don't feed wild animals in the wild.

the principle is the same for human societies.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I tend to draw the line on starving people who can't or won't help themselves but leaving them to roam the streets isn't the answer either
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I tend to draw the line on starving people who can't or won't help themselves but leaving them to roam the streets isn't the answer either Originally Posted by HedonistForever

I wouldn't starve them tho. food stamps are ok.

but other parts of welfare like cash based support should be done away with. this is what keeps people in proverty. no incentive to get out.
matchingmole's Avatar
When corporations get special handouts from the government, we have to pay more in taxes to make up for these hidden tax breaks, subsidies, and loopholes.

End Corporate welfare!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
When corporations get special handouts from the government, we have to pay more in taxes to make up for these hidden tax breaks, subsidies, and loopholes.

End Corporate welfare!! Originally Posted by matchingmole

corporations dont pay taxes, people do. this comes in the form higher prices embedded with hidden taxes.
texassapper's Avatar
corporations dont pay taxes, people do. this comes in the form higher prices embedded with hidden taxes. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Don't blow his mind too much. I'm pretty sure his ilk understand that it's only the Middle Class propping up this Republic. Hence why they want us taxed into oblivion, because once it's just the "dependent class", the moneyed elite can run things as they please.

This is all about the uber rich thinking they can control the dragon....
I'll recognize corporations as people when we can execute one for treason
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Seriously? The Daily Fodder? Bwahahahahahaha!!!!
I wouldn't starve them tho. food stamps are ok.

but other parts of welfare like cash based support should be done away with. this is what keeps people in proverty. no incentive to get out. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
This country desperately needs to have welfare reform but no politician will ever touch it. Probably because of a fear of losing votes. The current law allows you to receive welfare benefits indefinitely. Receiving welfare is not just a lifetime sentence for the person receiving the benefits. Future generations of that family will also receive the same sentence.

Most welfare recipients are not capable of taking one big step and becoming self-sufficient in a short period of time. Most of them are capable of taking baby steps toward becoming self-sufficient, but the current system offers them no incentive to do so. Every additional dollar they earn brings a corresponding loss in welfare along with it. Getting a better job nets them no extra income. Most of them can't see why they should bother doing that, so they don't.

Finally, over the years politicians have found some very creative ways to camouflage how much is actively spent on welfare each year. An example of this is food stamps. Food stamps are not considered to be a welfare expenditure at all. They are part of the farm bill every year. In fact food stamps are annually the biggest single expenditure of the farm bill.

Another example is the refundable tax credits. These are listed in the payment section of Form 1040 and will add to your refund if your tax liability has been satisfied. The worst of these is the Earned Income Tax Credit. This first appeared in 1973 and has been increased by every president since. For 2020, a married couple with 3 children making slightly less than $20,000.00 will received an EITC of $6,600.00. Yes you read that right.

Now add that to the Additional Child Tax Credit of $5,400.00 they will get and this family will get a tax refund of $12,000.00 even if they had no federal income tax withheld from their paychecks. Think about that for a minute. In the 15 minutes it takes for them to have their tax return prepared, they will receive more than 1/3 of the total money they get that is related to their job for the entire year.

Of course this leads to rampant tax fraud with welfare queens that do not file taxes selling their kid's SSN's to the highest bidder so that person can get these refundable credits on their tax return. The measures taken by the IRS so far to combat this have been completely ineffective and totally worthless. Again, these refundable tax credits do not count as a welfare expenditure.

I do not see this changing anytime soon. First, it has taken us roughly 80 years since the beginning of social programs for us to get to this point. We are not going to fix this overnight. Second, no politician wants to even attempt this because of the large block of voters this would alienate. The last thing I saw about this said that 45% of all Americans now receive some sort of social assistance. I can't remember if that number included people on Social Security or not. Even so, that is a huge block of voters that no politician will ever want to risk alienating.

So we are stuck with this until the country can no longer afford it anymore. Then what happens? Who knows? But it will not be anything good.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Idk. What if you're actually mentally handicapped and really too dumb to afford a descent living?

I believe that most capable people would choose to work hard to achieve financial success over living at the very bottom of the social ladder and collecting checks from the government.

But if you're incompetent, you don't have much of a choice.

My dumbass went to college and racked up a small fortune of debt. I wasn't previledged to do so. I used the same government loans any poor bastard can get ahold of. I have a fuck ton of debt, but it's federal, which tends to be much more forgiving than private debt. You can put them in forbearance at any time and payments are income adjusted. It's almost like a pay as you go deal. Don't think that system is very good, but it's still an option. I can get pretty cool job offers, now. So, it wasn't a complete waste of time and money. Before that, I was just working at Walmart, which is doable if you're single and have roommates.
Idk. What if you're actually mentally handicapped and really too dumb to afford a descent living?

I believe that most capable people would choose to work hard to achieve financial success over living at the very bottom of the social ladder and collecting checks from the government.

But if you're incompetent, you don't have much of a choice.

My dumbass went to college and racked up a small fortune of debt. I wasn't previledged to do so. I used the same government loans any poor bastard can get ahold of. I have a fuck ton of debt, but it's federal, which tends to be much more forgiving than private debt. You can put them in forbearance at any time and payments are income adjusted. It's almost like a pay as you go deal. Don't think that system is very good, but it's still an option. I can get pretty cool job offers, now. So, it wasn't a complete waste of time and money. Before that, I was just working at Walmart, which is doable if you're single and have roommates. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
You might think that but you would be wrong. Should be used to it by now.

Most of the type of people I was alluding to have been on the public dime for generations, they do not have the skills necessary to get a decent job and they see no reason why they should ever attempt to acquire such skills. They are not handicapped and unable to take care of themselves.

And they feel no shame whatsoever in collecting frequent government checks.

The majority of them are not incompetent. With proper training, they could be making a decent living. But they are already making a decent living doing nothing and sponging off the government. And they do not see any reason why they should ever change that.

Hence, the need for welfare reform in this country.
winn dixie's Avatar
And the vast majority of those folks vote for the dims! The dims enable these people just enough to secure their votes! The dims could care less about them!
And the vast majority of those folks vote for the dims! The dims enable these people just enough to secure their votes! The dims could care less about them! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Way to go Trixie. What a lame response.

Here you were handed a post that should have been right up your alley. But instead of engaging in an intelligent exchange of thoughts and ideas, You start whining, crying and pointing fingers at the other side. Again. Same as you always do.

When you were a kid on the playground, you were the one everybody picked on because you were such a whiny tattle tail. Isn't it funny how some things never change.

I'm sure you will soon respond to this post because you can never keep your mouth shut. But I don't really care if you actually do or not. Because I will not waste my time reading any more of your lame ass posts.