Still Looking for an actual ALERT pt 1 of 12

M!NT's Avatar
  • M!NT
  • 10-24-2011, 08:47 AM
Last week, an ALERT thread filled with (hypocrisy and drama) written by Still Looking created lots of confusion. I challenged SL to be specific and pinpoint his concerns so I can address all 12 (one at a time) here in coed. I encourage everyone to provide feedback but, please stay on topic lets have an intelligent discussion.

In a nutshell, SL is being called out for outing providers in reviews and ROS sections. Being so specific about tattoos and markings that one might easily connect her board name with her real world identity. Then has the audacity to complain because the girls can now create profiles (general descriptions) and leave anonymous feedback so they can then make educated decisions on who to see or not see. Gentlemen, let's be fair, this is less intrusive than the descriptions left in ROS portion of reviews. Read the title of his ALERT and decide who is the one outing members.

Here is a link to my profile as an example.

1) You place ads in the Welcome Wagon and neglect to mention these providers are part of your agency!

Ive been out of the biz since feb 2011, I however still make myself available to all providers requesting advice (getting started, screening, safety & discretion, pros and cons of working with an agency, discussion boards, etc)

I have help several girls get started in the biz, introduced them to eccie, ter, risque etc. I have encouraged them to post their intros in the Welcome Wagon. Was it clear if they were independent or represented by an agency? Back in the ASPD days it was not a rule but, understood that girls had to define as being INDEPENDENT OR REPRESENTED BY AGENCY.

Even when I had my Agency I felt this was an unfair advantage for the girls, why limit yourself to one or the other? Why is this a concern for Still Looking?

I think what SL really wants to know, is she a naive girl? Will he be able to ask for things like: (BBFS, CIM, GREEK, HAGGLE HER ON PRICE, STAY OVERTIME, etc) or, has she been mentored enough NOT to put up with his BS. He would like to know this so that he doesn't waste any time and move on to the next naive girl that will listen to him.

I'm personally making it my mission to educate the naive girls on the ins and outs of this business. If it makes you happy I will not encourage anymore Welcome Wagon ads.
harkontume's Avatar
Where is the POCORN? I NEED some POPCORN!
WyldemanATX's Avatar
He did address 12 issues....
M!NT's Avatar
  • M!NT
  • 10-24-2011, 10:28 AM
One at a time Wyldeman30, one at a time. We can barley get any intelligent responses as it is. Baby steps.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Dude you do not want any of this...

You have a very poor business practice.... You should be kissing SLs ass.... You are attacking someone that spends a shit ton of money on what your company is selling. I would say you are shooting yourself in the foot repeatedly at this point.
Still Looking's Avatar
Last week, an ALERT thread filled with (hypocrisy and drama) written by Still Looking created lots of confusion. I challenged SL to be specific and pinpoint his concerns so I can address them here in coed. I encourage everyone to provide feedback but, please stay on topic lets have an intelligent discussion.

In a nutshell, SL is being called out for outing providers in reviews and ROS sections. Being so specific about tattoos and markings that one might easily connect her board name with her real world identity. Then has the audacity to complain because the girls can now create profiles (general descriptions) and leave anonymous feedback so they can then make educated decisions on who to see or not see. Gentlemen, let's be fair, this is less intrusive than the descriptions in reviews and ROS. Read the title of his ALERT and decide who is the one outing members.

First of all I have never placed anything in a review without the provider’s description. I have never posted a picture without the provider’s permission. I have providers contact me on a regular basis and ask me to see them and write a review on them. Some providers are proud of their ink. Some hobbyists like it as well. Since I have been member of ECCIE I have only been contacted three times about my reviews. Twice a provider requested I delete a service item as they did not want this item to be expected. In short they changed their mind. The third was YOU, or who ever was acting like the provider requesting the information about the tattoos be removed. I gave absolutely no specifics about the tattoos only listed how many. I promptly contacted the mods, and the information was deleted the very same day. I specifically asked the provider if I could list how many she had. She agreed, and said it would NOT be a problem. See Marco, I care about other people’s privacy. Unlike you who could care less.

Now one minute you say your NOT involved, the next you say you are! Who is writing this post? Is some one other than you writing this? Who is acting like the provider during the marathon text sessions? It would appear you wanted to divert attention away from the ALERT thread. I mean heaven forbid members should read how many people are complaining about the same thing. You pick and choose what you want to address. You ignore anything you have no answer for! It is hard to believe you are going to use this board as a mechanism to promote yourself, your site, your businesses and your providers. Is it NOT abundantly clear that after reading the posts on the alert section that your business practices are going to bite you in the ass? Anyone with an ounce of common sense would have taken down the information off your site immediately. We can still have a discussion on what’s right and wrong. All parties can professionally and civilly resolve there differences. But you’re not interested in doing that. Are you really going to address each line item and make this an ECCIE mini series?

Just so everyone following this train wreck is well informed, here is the link to the alert thread:

Here is a link to my profile as an example.

Oh, wow, very nice! Now did someone create that for you without your permission? Wouldn't you be pissed if they did? Do the right thing Marco! Taken down the information as request by myself and other respected board members!

1) You place ads in the Welcome Wagon and neglect to mention these providers are part of your agency!

Ive been out of the biz since feb 2011, I however still make myself available to all providers requesting advice (getting started, screening, safety & discretion, pros and cons of working with an agency, discussion boards, etc)

I have help several girls get started in the biz, introduced them to eccie, ter, risque etc. I have encouraged them to post their intros in the Welcome Wagon. Was it clear if they were independent or represented by an agency? Back in the ASPD days it was not a rule but, understood that girls had to define this INDEPENDENT OR REPRESENTED BY AGENCY.

There is no question here! It is NOT up to interpretation. You or your agency or who ever is dealing with this, is posting in the WW as INDY providers when in fact they are being posted by you and or your agency! As I have stated before, I am certainly not a fan of pimps! But I have no issue with any man or women who provides screening, a safe environment to conduct business, book appointments and secure advertising. These companies are call agencies! And they should not misrepresent them selves by placing ads as if the providers are INDY.

Even when I had my Agency I felt this was an unfair advantage for the girl, great for the Agency but unfair for the girl. So why is this a concern for Still Looking?

So WTF are you saying? Is the agency yours or not? If not who should be dealing with this? And why are you dealing with this if it’s not your agency? Make up your mind! Once again, my answer is not going to change no matter how you ask the question. I did not open a profile on your site! I thought I was dealing with INDY providers. They were not. Take down my information. Place ads so I can identify YOUR providers so I won’t make the mistake of contacting you / them!

I think what you really want to know is she new and naive? Will you be able to ask for things like: (BBFS, CIM, GREEK, HAGGLE HER ON PRICE, STAY OVERTIME, etc) or, has she been mentored enough to not put up with your BS. You would like to know this so that you don't waste your time and move on to the next naive girl that will listen to you.

OMG I hope you’re singling just me out? Otherwise you’re insulting every hobbyist member here by stating we look for providers to take advantage of them. It sure doesn’t read like your singling me out? I guess I'll let the other members decide how they might want to field that comment! You got balls, I give you that!

I am going to personally make it my mission to educate the new girls on the ins and outs of this business. If it makes you happy I will never encourage anyone to place a Welcome Wagon ad in the future.

Oh good you're back to be involved. I'm still trying to get that straight! Where or not you’re involved or not! You’re a joke Marco. The providers know nothing of these ads. Well at least two of the four didn't! So once again, is it YOU who is responsible for the piss poor deceptive business practices or someone else! I think we all would like to know. Originally Posted by M!NT

DO THE RIGHT THING! Take down the profiles that you have implemented without permission. At the top of your list, you have AUSTIN GIRLS listed in RED. Is that how you do business Marco! Talk shit about your competition?
nuglet's Avatar
just report him / them to the BBB... LOL
That'll fix his wagon.
Whispers's Avatar
If ever a business decided to do a hatchet job on itself this is how to go about it.

Talk shit about past clients and allow personal information to be accessible about them.

Weren't you directed by the MODs to keep it in the one thread?
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Self destruction.....
Still Looking's Avatar
Marco, HBO just called. They want to know if you’re involved before they even think about buying the rights to this drama. So we need an answer? They’re tossing around a few titles right now.

1) You screw them, I screw myself
2) How I ruined my Agency in 12 easy steps! (Could be a documentary!)
3) Marco's Girls or Are They?
4) Agency Gone Wild
5) Text Me and Put Some Stank On It! (Credit to NewWave)

Do the right thing!
I would like to add to this discussion.

To start, I would like to mention that I have no affiliation with Marco (or anyone for the matter) - I have never used his incall, his screening services, or even sought him out for advice. I am, or was, a contributing member of this board and an active provider within the Austin community. My perspective is limited to the female argument, but mine nonetheless.

Okay, I can understand why some may have their feathers ruffled by seeing their "handles" populate on a board without their consent - in fact, I can relate. That is how I wound up on ECCIE. A hobbyist wrote a review on me and essentially created an online personality of my actions as a provider. My physical description, demeanor and preferred sexual activities were detailed in said post; all were done without my consent. So again, I can relate.

Now, one (in fact, many) may argue that they were contributing to an "information exchange community" - am I right? If I understand correctly, RisqueBB is a similar operation: the only difference is that it caters to providers. I see the site as a modified ProviderBuzz, or National Blacklist. It is just another site housing information - an information exchange, if you will. Personally, I find resources such as this extremely useful. I want to know if a potential date has been aggressive in the past, or if he has pressured others for BBFS. Granted, a lot of this information can be relayed via provider references - but I do not see the harm in having an additional resource that benefits the women of this community.

I know there are those of you that will say, "I have a X to think about, I can't have my information out there." Whatever X may be, providers have that too. I can speak first hand about delicacy and importance of discretion in this little playground, I have dealt with the consequences first hand. I can also understand how provider reviews are necessary - hobbyists like to shop the product - but shouldn't the provider have that right too? Personally, I would never engage in a date that I didn't think would be enjoyable. I also prefer to keep myself out of danger, don't you?

Research, it is absolutely necessary. I see RisqueBB as a site that allows women to share feedback on experiences, good and bad. As for the other Marco nonsense....I don't have a bet in that fight. But I will stand up for the ladies and any avenue that keeps them (us) safe. What is good for the goose is good for the gander, don't you think?

Just a few pennies.
sixxbach's Avatar
If ever a business decided to do a hatchet job on itself this is how to go about it.

Talk shit about past clients Originally Posted by Whispers
Apparently as we all know from some other forum, Mint isn't the only one who has recently done this.......


I have just located my new favorite thread!

I would like to add to this discussion.

To start, I would like to mention that I have no affiliation with Marco (or anyone for the matter) - I have never used his incall, his screening services, or even sought him out for advice. I am, or was, a contributing member of this board and an active provider within the Austin community. My perspective is limited to the female argument, but mine nonetheless.

Okay, I can understand why some may have their feathers ruffled by seeing their "handles" populate on a board without their consent - in fact, I can relate. That is how I wound up on ECCIE. A hobbyist wrote a review on me and essentially created an online personality of my actions as a provider. My physical description, demeanor and preferred sexual activities were detailed in said post; all were done without my consent. So again, I can relate.

Now, one (in fact, many) may argue that they were contributing to an "information exchange community" - am I right? If I understand correctly, RisqueBB is a similar operation: the only difference is that it caters to providers. I see the site as a modified ProviderBuzz, or National Blacklist. It is just another site housing information - an information exchange, if you will. Personally, I find resources such as this extremely useful. I want to know if a potential date has been aggressive in the past, or if he has pressured others for BBFS. Granted, a lot of this information can be relayed via provider references - but I do not see the harm in having an additional resource that benefits the women of this community.

I know there are those of you that will say, "I have a X to think about, I can't have my information out there." Whatever X may be, providers have that too. I can speak first hand about delicacy and importance of discretion in this little playground, I have dealt with the consequences first hand. I can also understand how provider reviews are necessary - hobbyists like to shop the product - but shouldn't the provider have that right too? Personally, I would never engage in a date that I didn't think would be enjoyable. I also prefer to keep myself out of danger, don't you?

Research, it is absolutely necessary. I see RisqueBB as a site that allows women to share feedback on experiences, good and bad. As for the other Marco nonsense....I don't have a bet in that fight. But I will stand up for the ladies and any avenue that keeps them (us) safe. What is good for the goose is good for the gander, don't you think?

Just a few pennies. Originally Posted by K lovve
Eloquently stated miss Lovve.
txAustin202's Avatar
Out of the biz since Feb? Bull!! I'm sure that was u impersonating Bailey a month ago and had me show up to an incall but no Bailey or any responses to my texts.