Thank You ECCIE Staff!

!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar

I just wanted to thank you for letting me back on the site. I am sure some of you were hesitant, but I hope that, as time goes on, you will see that my main priorities are to provide the best quality service I can and to be as helpful as I can to anyone that needs it.

I am deeply sorry to anyone I offended and I am very grateful for the second chance.

Best Wishes,
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 09-21-2012, 04:36 PM
Welcome back Morgan. I hope this is a fresh start and we both can get past previous interactions.


EDIT : Look, Morgan, I really AM trying to break the tension and start fresh. Even after the snap you gave me in chat the other night when I complimented your photo and you took it the wrong way, I still tried to explain and keep everything cool. I really do want you to be a valued member of this community. ~Z~
Welcome back Morgan. I hope this is a fresh start and we both can get past previous interactions.

~Z~ Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Agreed, and I'm sure there are plenty other ladies who feel the same way. I know I do! Time will show true intentions. It always does !

As a very wise friend of mine says, "you can show me better than you can tell me."
Many more of us (ladies) would have preferred to include you in ladies events, and have fun with ya. You had *some* well-intentioned ideas. But, where there is life there is hope...

Here's to hoping for the best for you, regardless of your past behaviors!
Ya'll sound like it's up to YOU for the MODS decission.

I don't think the mods PM ya'll to see if it's OK, or Approval.

or are ya'll just trying to throw a spark to see if theres any smoke?

Welcome Back Erotic Morgan,
Oh shut up, CG.

I read and re-read both our posts and you must be smoking something, because we both said we hoped we could get past previous interactions with EM, and welcomed her back.

Sounds like this was just another opportunity for you to attempt to twist the words of a couple of the ladies you don't like. Don't make it something it's not, please.

Welcome back, Morgan!!!!!
Oh shut up, CG.

Sounds like this was just another opportunity for you to attempt to twist the words of a couple of the ladies you don't like. Originally Posted by TheOriginalDannie
who are you telling to shut up?
You don't tell me to shut up, who do you think you are?
This is a discussion board and you don't own this place.
I am not twisting any words, and if you don't like it, leave.
MODS, can we give The Original Dannie a damn boast out the door ?
Damn trouble making drama queen.

Torito's Avatar
The OP has had problems, is here now, and has made an apology.

This is not a time to be slinging insults. Be positive, or be quiet.

If anyone wants to build a fire, go camping.
But not in TX or OK. Fire zones.

fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 09-28-2012, 09:31 PM

I just wanted to thank you for letting me back on the site. I am sure some of you were hesitant, but I hope that, as time goes on, you will see that my main priorities are to provide the best quality service I can and to be as helpful as I can to anyone that needs it.

I am deeply sorry to anyone I offended and I am very grateful for the second chance.

Best Wishes,
Morgan Originally Posted by EroticMorgan
Welcome back Morgan...
pyramider's Avatar
Taint is appreciated.