Verified Providers

Do providers need multiple reviews to become verified? I thought they only needed one review and a vouch from an established member.
Duke of G's Avatar
It's not about multiple reviews, per se.

There are 3 items, per the VP thread (linked in my sig line)

1. website address (your website or advertising site)
2. referral from another provider or hobbyist
3. links to reviews from recognized members (any site)

So you've referenced 2 of the 3 needed parts. P411, or permanent advertising on another site is accepted for item #1.

And for referrals and reviews, more than one is better, but not mandatory.

BY FAR, the biggest issue with providers getting prompt verification is two things:

1- lack of complete information provided to staff at the time of request
2- staff workload

Between those two, and the back-and-forth emails to solve #1, that is the usual reason for delays. Just FYI.

#1 happens so often that I have a saved form letter response:

Thanks for your interest, but this is not quite enough information to become verified. Please read the thread on ECCIE about the process:

In your email to request VP status, you should include:
  1. Your EXACT username on ECCIE, preferably a link to your profile
  2. Links to reviews by established members
  3. Links to a website, P411 profile, or other permanent advertising. (BP is not acceptable)

As for Vouches from other verified providers or members:
  • These should be separate emails from the member, must include their member name, and must be sent from the email address on file with their account. They should be sure to include YOUR ECCIE member name as well.