Dems wanting truth watch Tucker

winn dixie's Avatar

Tucker Highest rated and most watched
winn dixie's Avatar
There is an entire cottage industry within media dedicated to disseminating Tucker Carlson's nightly Fox News musings to presumably liberal audiences who may not be tuning in to hear what the leading conservative voice is telling his large following. But recent data from Nielsen MRI Fusion suggests those nightly dispatches may not be necessary: In October, the most recent month for which data is available, Carlson's 9 p.m. ET program was the top cable news show among Democrats in the advertiser-coveted age range of 25-54.

The Nielsen MRI Fusion numbers reveal that in October, Fox News unsurprisingly got the majority of the audience of self-proclaimed Republicans, with 69% of them overall tuning into total-day programming and 73% of them in the demo tuning into primetime programming. CNN and MSNBC split the remaining conservatives with totals in the low double-digit percentages. Fox News also commanded the largest number of independents in the key news demo during primetime and total-day hours: 55% of those 25-54 watched the network in primetime, compared to CNN's 23% and MSNBC's 22%. During total-day hours, 58% of independents in the demo watch Fox News, 18% chose MSNBC and 25% selected CNN.

More surprising are the stats about Carlson and Fox News' pull with self-proclaimed Democrats. Of those demo-aged viewers surveyed who identified as Democrats, 39% chose Fox News, 31% chose MSNBC and 30% chose CNN for programming from 8 p.m. ET to 11 p.m. ET. In total-day viewership, Fox News grabbed 42% of Democrats aged 25-54, CNN nabbed 33% and MSNBC got 25%.

Carlson was top among Democrats in the demo across all of cable news that month and ranked third place among Dems in total viewership, too. Of the top four programs among Democrats in total viewers, Fox News had three: "The Five," "Tucker Carlson Tonight" and "Hannity." The top spot in total viewers went to MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show."

These numbers only account for October but reveal that Fox News' and Carlson's sizable audiences are not that easy to define. Consider Carlson's ratings that month. In October, Carlson's show was the top-rated program in the demo across all of cable news and was the second highest-rated show overall, coming in only behind Fox News' late-afternoon panel show "The Five." In total average viewers, he netted 3.081 million viewers and in the demo, he secured 483,000. For the entire year of 2021, "Tucker Carlson Tonight" was the highest-rated program in cable news overall, bringing in an average of 3.214 million total viewers with 535,000 in the demo.

Earlier Tuesday, Nielsen released January's ratings, which also provided a big win to Fox News. The network hit the milestone of becoming the top-rated cable news channel for 20 straight years.

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Precious_b's Avatar
Why does the right/conservatives always whine about the media being owned by the left then?
Why does the right/conservatives always whine about the media being owned by the left then? Originally Posted by Precious_b
... Hmmmm... Ya know something?
That's a very good point.

Though Tucker's show is the TENTH (10th) Most Watched
show in the country... It was 8th, but Pro football
pushed it back to 10th... However, NOW the season has ended.

### Salty
  • Tiny
  • 02-01-2022, 09:47 PM
Fox News Sunday is a better place to go for truth. Carlson comes up with some strange s. My favorite was when he encouraged viewers to call the police and report child abuse whenever they saw children wearing masks.

Carlson's ratio of truth to fantasy is higher than Maddow's though, especially now that Biden's the focus of more of their attention.
bambino's Avatar
Fox News Sunday is a better place to go for truth. Carlson comes up with some strange s. My favorite was when he encouraged viewers to call the police and report child abuse whenever they saw children wearing masks.

Carlson's ratio of truth to fantasy is higher than Maddow's though, especially now that Biden's the focus of more of their attention. Originally Posted by Tiny
You think Chris Wallace was the beacon of truth? SMH Fox is merely the RINO division of the Mockingbird media. No more, no less.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Carlson is a piece of shit, preaching to a willing choir starved for monosyllabic matching orders.

A real piece of shit.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I watch exactly one nightly national news show -- ABC Nightly News with David Muir.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Why does the right/conservatives always whine about the media being owned by the left then? Originally Posted by Precious_b
Because it's true? The vast majority (over 90%) of journalists are registered democrats. The same can be said about celebrities in Hollywood. Far and away they are democrats and the only way to be a good democrat is to be liberal. And to prevent any possibility of cancellation is to be as progressive as you can be. You have to march in lockstep with the other progressives in order to protect yourself from yourself.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Because it's true? The vast majority (over 90%) of journalists are registered democrats. The same can be said about celebrities in Hollywood. Far and away they are democrats and the only way to be a good democrat is to be liberal. And to prevent any possibility of cancellation is to be as progressive as you can be. You have to march in lockstep with the other progressives in order to protect yourself from yourself. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
You got any evidence to back that up?

We’ll wait until 5.
Precious_b's Avatar
... Hmmmm... Ya know something?
That's a very good point.

Though Tucker's show is the TENTH (10th) Most Watched
show in the country... It was 8th, but Pro football
pushed it back to 10th... However, NOW the season has ended.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I have no idea on ratings for people on news channels (people, don't say anything about what passes for news.) I only know that Walter Cronkite was called the most trusted man in America.

I don't give two toots about ratings between that and nfl. I'd rather watch Alabama play. A loosing season for 'Bama is definitely better than the above to watch.
Precious_b's Avatar
I watch exactly one nightly national news show -- ABC Nightly News with David Muir. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Same here. Except I will watch OAN.
Never turn it to the other ones.
Except PBS for the news hour and that is only to wait for a Koch Bros funded programing.
Precious_b's Avatar
Because it's true? The vast majority (over 90%) of journalists are registered democrats. The same can be said about celebrities in Hollywood. Far and away they are democrats and the only way to be a good democrat is to be liberal. And to prevent any possibility of cancellation is to be as progressive as you can be. You have to march in lockstep with the other progressives in order to protect yourself from yourself. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I'm not even going to call you out on the figures (since it is already been done.)

If you're statements are true, than you should already be suspect of the figures on the OP original post and disgard them.
winn dixie's Avatar
Numbers show liberals dont trust all the other lib msm sites and tune in to Tucker! Numbers like these dont lie!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Fox News Sunday is a better place to go for truth. Carlson comes up with some strange s. My favorite was when he encouraged viewers to call the police and report child abuse whenever they saw children wearing masks.

Carlson's ratio of truth to fantasy is higher than Maddow's though, especially now that Biden's the focus of more of their attention. Originally Posted by Tiny

I thought you had admitted to me in one of our discussions on this, that Tuckers "MO" is sarcasm. I think it is excessive and confuses people who don't watch a lot. But I guess it's as good a line as any to disparage him with misinformation.