Is College Still Worth It?

Higher education has received a lot of negative press lately. However, consider this:
I'll b paying for my daughters PhD program for years to come. It better be.
And some think we're better off? Someday, I fear I will be pouring coffee at tim hortins and rolling up lids with lindy when no one is looking.
Depends what your perception of 'what is worth it' is. I hate charts like that which seek to emphasize two main goals employment and income with educating yourself - as if that's the purpose of life - at which level would you like to 'earn' your membership in the rat race? Haha f'n hilarious

And no college isn't the one and only way. Look back to history, people who desired always sought ways to educate themselves ...only today do we empathize $$$ with attaining "higher education"

Education is free and is everywhere. You're born into it
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 05-06-2013, 05:37 PM
I would have to say that THE BEST argument against a college education is not going so you don't have to listen to those whiny ass, liberal, tree hugging, unrealistic professors who will try and brainwash you. But that's just my opinion
Lexxxy's Avatar
I like having my education to fall back on, not to mention I'm proud of it. With that being said before I got into the sugar daddy life style, fetish training, and the hobby I was over $80,000 in debt. If I were to go straight into my field i would be a wage slave for years trying to pay it back.
To all of the gents that I have been lucky enough to spend time with, thank you for making contributions towards my education.
colledge? shit GP

youll get it( propoganda) at the home depot

I went in to grab a mower battery and forgot the core

they tried to call it an "eco " charge....... for .10

i said.......................... ...eehay???................... ........SAY WHAT?

he says.......................... ...................."eco " charge..

I said , ...................well....... ...I dont do "eco"................. leave the battery out..

i went to auto zone .. for .07 , spent ten bucks in gas and co2 spweewed the WHOLE WAY man

pressed that right peddle to the floor for BIG OIL! cut off 3 prius

went home and buried the core in the back yard
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 05-06-2013, 06:40 PM
It's even more fun when you light a few tire fires along the way. Be sure to start them with plenty of leaded gasoline.
oil should be poured back into the GROUND..

hey............. thats where it came from,

give it back to mommie

here mommie,,,,,,,,,,,,, ahhh, there you go
wantsome's Avatar
Higher education is the next economic bubble. There is no way the cost increases can be sustained. To live on campus at a SUNY school will now run you about $80 grand. Private schools are even more costly. The "experience" of going away was what I remember as being one of the best parts of going to school. Are today's tuition prices worth the expereince? I think not.

The earning potential of someone with a degree is so much greater than those that have only a HS education. Unfortunately, an undergrad degree is expected in many emerging fields. In my field of employment, a graduate degree is a must if you are planning on getting anywhere.

The future probably is in on-line schools.
DDarkness's Avatar

You are absolutely right. On-Line education, Distance Learning, even these are expensive but they do allow for a more learn as you go perspective and a greater opportunity for flexibility!

But for those attending the Brick & Mortar Campuses, thank GOD for Scholarships, grants, and opportunities for kids to be RA's or Assistantships to reduce the overall cost!

MC's Avatar
  • MC
  • 05-06-2013, 07:31 PM
But for those attending the Brick & Mortar Campuses, thank GOD for Scholarships, grants, and opportunities for kids to be RA's or Assistantships to reduce the overall cost!

DD Originally Posted by DDarkness
I actually tried getting an RA position, but it didn't work out. For some reason, in order to be accepted, I had to have a job reference from Buffalo. At the time I hadn't worked in Buffalo, only Syracuse. I'm not quite sure what the big deal was. A reference is a reference.
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 05-06-2013, 08:07 PM
I actually tried getting an RA position, but it didn't work out. For some reason, in order to be accepted, I had to have a job reference from Buffalo. At the time I hadn't worked in Buffalo, only Syracuse. I'm not quite sure what the big deal was. A reference is a reference. Originally Posted by MC
Not all providers accept refs (vouches) from other providers. Too bad they don't have JobCheck or WorkRef411.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Universities are a disgrace in my view. Sure, they do a lot of good, research, etc, but not enough to justify their cost. They drive up medical costs. They railroad youngsters and families into banking debt. They glorify thugs and call them millionaire coaches. They don't produce a quality product. They promote an unsustainable ideology, that the diploma is worth something, that those who have it won't be flipping burgers or hammering nails.

I think the education system is at the core of our society's decay and I think the prevalence of mass assaults at schools is a result.
Education is way overrated. By no means does having a college degree make you smart. I've met women in the hobby without college doing a whole lot better than me financially and are definitely smarter than me too! And I have four advanced degrees.

Well.. you can strip me of everything I have but never take away my education... or some bullshit like that to make me feel better about paying my student loans.