oh F. ya! T.O. did not choke!

Frankie Fine's Avatar
Hahaha.. whoo fuckin hoo! Luv the fuckn goalie!

Made my night!!!!!!
Frankie Fine's Avatar
James Reimer baby!!
cowboy8055's Avatar
I hate the Bruins. Whenever they lose it's a good thing.
Frankie Fine's Avatar
Toronto has been torturing fans for years..hence all of my excited swearing.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
lost track, who is in all
jokacz's Avatar
FF, maybe you'll have another Terry Sawchuk miracle a la 1967, but I doubt it.
Terry wasn't big on wearing a mask:

Frankie Fine's Avatar
Oh my gosh. Worse then boxing.

I rarely watch sports, suspense kills me. I do hope they do the gatsby again.
Sawchuk played for Detroit in ' 67. Toronto's goalie then was Johnny Bower and Punch Imlach was their Coach.
My long term memory is going. Sawchuk DID play for Toronto in ' 67, altough he spent most of his career in Detroit. Google is a wonderful thing.
The Maple Leaves did it again, forcing Game 7 with the Bruins.

Frankie must be so pleased!
Frankie Fine's Avatar
Justapervert's Avatar
something about frankie bouncing on a trampoline warms the heart...
yankee13's Avatar
the bruins should win tonight chara will come up big
Vern0065's Avatar
Go Toronto being a Die hard Sabres fan I hate to see that but I think I hate to see the Bruins win!! Go Leafs!!
cowboy8055's Avatar
As a Sabres fan I'll never root for the Bruins. Would love to see Toronto knock them off.