If Democrats want to win in 2020 they should stop investigating Trump and focus on health care

  • oeb11
  • 03-29-2019, 02:58 PM

Health care is back in the spotlight thanks to a controversial decision by the Trump administration to side with a Fifth Circuit court ruling that deemed ObamaCare unconstitutional. Reports indicate that both Congressional Republicans as well as some within Trump’s cabinet were blindsided by the Justice Department’s decision. When health care takes center stage, it usually spells trouble for the GOP. It also presents an opportunity for Democrats.
Repealing and replacing ObamaCare has been a familiar Republican battle cry over the past several years. However, over time, ObamaCare has gained support among Americans and in the 2018 midterm elections, health care was cited as a top issue for voters. Many say that health care, and attacks on ObamaCare in particular, helped the Democrats regain the House majority.
President Trump has asserted that the GOP will become the party of health care, but there is no indication that Congressional Republicans have a plan. Meanwhile, House Democrats have stepped up with a specific policy package called Protect Our Care.

The proposal would help strengthen and expand ObamaCare. In doing so, it puts Republicans and progressive Democrats on notice; House leadership is sending a signal that eliminating ObamaCare is not an option and single-payer is not the answer.
Why is this important? Because main stream Democrats have a chance to reclaim the narrative about health care in a meaningful way. It was a winning issue for them in last year’s midterms, and it can be a winning issue for them in 2020 – unless they get distracted by the wrong things.
What might those things be? Never-ending investigations. People outside of the Beltway are far more concerned about kitchen table issues like the cost and quality of their health care, than they are about relitigating the Russia collusion theory that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has just completed a thorough investigation of.
Yes, Congress has oversight authority to investigate the executive branch, but it should exercise those Constitutional duties judiciously to ensure that its work is taken seriously. Democrats run a major risk if they focus their efforts on further investigations rather than on making laws.
Doing so will play right into the hand of President Trump, who has already asserted that the Mueller investigation was a waste of time, that it proves his innocence, and that it was – as he said all along – a witch hunt. Whether those assertions are factually accurate or not is irrelevant; the longer Democrats fixate on Trump, the more they will make Trump look right about them.
Democrats have a golden opportunity to make the 2020 election about issues, not indictments, and they are well positioned to show that they are defending the well-being of the American people by juxtaposing their health care policies to Trump’s.
If the Trump administration’s views on health care were to be implemented, roughly 10.1 million Americans would stand to lose their health care premium subsidies, and around 15 million would lose coverage through the elimination of Medicaid expansion.
As it is, since Trump has been in office, cuts have been made to important programs that help Americans enroll in ObamaCare, and that stabilize the insurance market. These moves have contributed to an increase in the number of uninsured people to the tune of about 7 million. Trump has proven that his actions do not match his words when it comes to preserving health care coverage.
These are bad policies. And bad policy often equates to bad politics. States like Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania would be disproportionately impacted by an ObamaCare repeal. That could spell trouble for Trump’s Electoral College path to victory in 2020.

I hope Democrats stay the course and show they’re serious about making health care policy that helps the American people.

There is a very good point - Trump and Republicans have opposed Obamacare (ACA) for it's cost and inefficiency. Yet the ACA covers patients with pre-existing conditions.

Yet, the cumbersome and extreme regulation and manipulation of the market-place causes increased costs and inefficiencies . Also takes away the freedom of choice for those wishing their own insurance coverage - whether personally or with employment.

Dismantling the ACA without an appropriate replacement - with coverage for pre-existing conditions - is a recipe for chaos in Health Care in America. Republicans would be wise to have a suitable , better replacement

Democrats are so invested in Hate Trump - they cannot see the need for other matters to address in the nation. They have an opportunity - but likely will blow it due to intractable hatred of Trump and complete focus on Impeachment.

Not to mention the stupid proposals of AOC's Soylent Green New Deal, and racism
of Omar, Tlaib, and other Dems. Dems have an opportunity - I think they will shoot themselves in their own mouth and ass.

Health care is back in the spotlight thanks to a controversial decision by the Trump administration to side with a Fifth Circuit court ruling that deemed ObamaCare unconstitutional. Reports indicate that both Congressional Republicans as well as some within Trump’s cabinet were blindsided by the Justice Department’s decision. When health care takes center stage, it usually spells trouble for the GOP. It also presents an opportunity for Democrats.
Repealing and replacing ObamaCare has been a familiar Republican battle cry over the past several years. However, over time, ObamaCare has gained support among Americans and in the 2018 midterm elections, health care was cited as a top issue for voters. Many say that health care, and attacks on ObamaCare in particular, helped the Democrats regain the House majority.
President Trump has asserted that the GOP will become the party of health care, but there is no indication that Congressional Republicans have a plan. Meanwhile, House Democrats have stepped up with a specific policy package called Protect Our Care.

The proposal would help strengthen and expand ObamaCare. In doing so, it puts Republicans and progressive Democrats on notice; House leadership is sending a signal that eliminating ObamaCare is not an option and single-payer is not the answer.
Why is this important? Because main stream Democrats have a chance to reclaim the narrative about health care in a meaningful way. It was a winning issue for them in last year’s midterms, and it can be a winning issue for them in 2020 – unless they get distracted by the wrong things.
What might those things be? Never-ending investigations. People outside of the Beltway are far more concerned about kitchen table issues like the cost and quality of their health care, than they are about relitigating the Russia collusion theory that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has just completed a thorough investigation of.
Yes, Congress has oversight authority to investigate the executive branch, but it should exercise those Constitutional duties judiciously to ensure that its work is taken seriously. Democrats run a major risk if they focus their efforts on further investigations rather than on making laws.
Doing so will play right into the hand of President Trump, who has already asserted that the Mueller investigation was a waste of time, that it proves his innocence, and that it was – as he said all along – a witch hunt. Whether those assertions are factually accurate or not is irrelevant; the longer Democrats fixate on Trump, the more they will make Trump look right about them.
Democrats have a golden opportunity to make the 2020 election about issues, not indictments, and they are well positioned to show that they are defending the well-being of the American people by juxtaposing their health care policies to Trump’s.
If the Trump administration’s views on health care were to be implemented, roughly 10.1 million Americans would stand to lose their health care premium subsidies, and around 15 million would lose coverage through the elimination of Medicaid expansion.
As it is, since Trump has been in office, cuts have been made to important programs that help Americans enroll in ObamaCare, and that stabilize the insurance market. These moves have contributed to an increase in the number of uninsured people to the tune of about 7 million. Trump has proven that his actions do not match his words when it comes to preserving health care coverage.
These are bad policies. And bad policy often equates to bad politics. States like Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania would be disproportionately impacted by an ObamaCare repeal. That could spell trouble for Trump’s Electoral College path to victory in 2020.

I hope Democrats stay the course and show they’re serious about making health care policy that helps the American people.

There is a very good point - Trump and Republicans have opposed Obamacare (ACA) for it's cost and inefficiency. Yet the ACA covers patients with pre-existing conditions.

Yet, the cumbersome and extreme regulation and manipulation of the market-place causes increased costs and inefficiencies . Also takes away the freedom of choice for those wishing their own insurance coverage - whether personally or with employment.

Dismantling the ACA without an appropriate replacement - with coverage for pre-existing conditions - is a recipe for chaos in Health Care in America. Republicans would be wise to have a suitable , better replacement

Democrats are so invested in Hate Trump - they cannot see the need for other matters to address in the nation. They have an opportunity - but likely will blow it due to intractable hatred of Trump and complete focus on Impeachment.

Not to mention the stupid proposals of AOC's Soylent Green New Deal, and racism
of Omar, Tlaib, and other Dems. Dems have an opportunity - I think they will shoot themselves in their own mouth and ass. Originally Posted by oeb11

In the ass that's where their heads are, lol.
I cannot believe the Republicans have brought up ObamaCare again.

It’s a loosing issue. Period.
I agree with the author. The Democrats will continually step on their own messaging and promotion of whatever they think their policy agenda should be if they obsess over every alleged Trump scandal 24/7. Why do they think they have to do that? They should know that the presstitute media will dutifully carry water for them day and night until the 2020 election.
winn dixie's Avatar
The libs put all their eggs in the collusion basket! They're gonna ride this out to the 2020 elections.....Then in 2020 they will come up with something else when Trump spanks their asses again!!!!!!!!
bambino's Avatar
They’ve been focused on health care since the Clinton administration. It’s single payer. The dirty secret is, Obamacare was a stepping stone to single payer. The left wants to repeal it too. They want a single payer government system. It’s their holy grail.
They’ve been focused on health care since the Clinton administration. It’s single payer. The dirty secret is, Obamacare was a stepping stone to single payer. The left wants to repeal it too. They want a single payer government system. It’s their holy grail. Originally Posted by bambino
Well like the old saying goes "You Get what you pay for" In the case of single payer you won't pay for it and you won't get it. In other words the Government will only pay for the bare minimum which might be the difference between living and dying.
bambino's Avatar
Well like the old saying goes "You Get what you pay for" In the case of single payer you won't pay for it and you won't get it. In other words the Government will only pay for the bare minimum which might be the difference between living and dying. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Actually you’ll pay for it through higher taxes but you won’t get it when you need it.
Actually you’ll pay for it through higher taxes but you won’t get it when you need it. Originally Posted by bambino
Lets just say the Government isn't going to invest much in your health. you can look at this way too. If the Government provided free care care they would cover oil changes and Tire rotations. What about something costly like Transmission rebuild, they would cover fluid replacement and some gaskets and seals, hmmm. Oh and you would have to wait a month before you could get your car into a mechanic shop. I would much rather leave my Health Care needs to the private sector. Those who can't pay for it let them have the free stuff.
I agree. Figuring out health care is more important than having an irreverent worshipper of opulence and extravagance in the White House. But never underestimate the power of personality in the pulpit. Our president, despite having no legislative skills nor any interest in the details of public policy, has managed to change the tone of our nation. I agree that the people of the United States entered into worrisome levels of partisan-based name-calling a couple decades ago -helped in large part by Bill Clinton's reprehensible behavior while serving as president- but instead of healing or even trying to heal our nation Donald Trump seeks to worsen the animosity and divisions with his name-calling and belittling. Yes, health care needs sincere attention. It needs our president's attention and his study and his serious recommendations. But I have my doubts that our president will engage this matter. He has not demonstrated the intellectual wherewithal to seriously engage in any serious, ongoing effort to resolve anything other than his public relations campaign lambasting his critics and bragging about himself. I listened to his recent rally speech in Michigan. For all the time he spent on stage speaking as our president there was a glaring lack of policy discussion. Instead, he demeaned other public servants and bragged about his own lavish lifestyle. I find it embarrassing. I want health care debate but he delivers childish utterances and accusations and self-serving boastfulness.
bamscram's Avatar
Trump stepped in shit on his victory tour, when he brought up healthcare.
Hotrod511's Avatar
I agree. Figuring out health care is more important than having an irreverent worshipper of opulence and extravagance in the White House. But never underestimate the power of personality in the pulpit. Our president, despite having no legislative skills nor any interest in the details of public policy, has managed to change the tone of our nation. I agree that the people of the United States entered into worrisome levels of partisan-based name-calling a couple decades ago -helped in large part by Bill Clinton's reprehensible behavior while serving as president- but instead of healing or even trying to heal our nation Donald Trump seeks to worsen the animosity and divisions with his name-calling and belittling. Yes, health care needs sincere attention. It needs our president's attention and his study and his serious recommendations. But I have my doubts that our president will engage this matter. He has not demonstrated the intellectual wherewithal to seriously engage in any serious, ongoing effort to resolve anything other than his public relations campaign lambasting his critics and bragging about himself. I listened to his recent rally speech in Michigan. For all the time he spent on stage speaking as our president there was a glaring lack of policy discussion. Instead, he demeaned other public servants and bragged about his own lavish lifestyle. I find it embarrassing. I want health care debate but he delivers childish utterances and accusations and self-serving boastfulness. Originally Posted by agrarian
it's rather funny you go from Slick Willie bashing to Donald Trump and no mention of the great messiah Obama who was the creator of Obamacare so you are no better than Trump with your lambasting him and people who support the POTUS
Will we all be dead by 2020 or no? I've lost track of the Dems' dire predictions.
.... I agree that the people of the United States entered into worrisome levels of partisan-based name-calling a couple decades ago -helped in large part by Bill Clinton's reprehensible behavior while serving as president- but instead of healing or even trying to heal our nation Donald Trump seeks to worsen the animosity and divisions with his name-calling and belittling. Yes, health care needs sincere attention. It needs our president's attention and his study and his serious recommendations. But I have my doubts that our president will engage this matter. .... Originally Posted by agrarian
You haven't been paying attention.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I agree that it is in the best interests of the Democratic party to cease with these investigations.