When someone runs for office

normalguy21's Avatar
Ok so here is the deal Fucking people that run the goverment at the state level and want to be the gov again dont even have posts to put there barn signs up in peoples yards .

there is no i repeat NO money in the daddy war bucks fund for fence posts but 100 of thousnds of $ for tv spots and such -Fuck there is not even scotch tape at campain HQ but who gives a fuck right every asshole on here talks shit all day long but probally never knocked a fucking door or put a barn sign up huh fuck tards !

Just kidding i know your the luv gov !!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
johnny, is that you?
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
My wife is a candidate. We have no money for yard signs. We have business cards, door-hanger cards, and a facebook page.