Escortbabylon - listcrawler for Rochester

H5678J's Avatar
Curious but don't know why these sites don't list Rochester but list Buffalo. Maybe I'm not finding it?
Beaver318's Avatar
Curious but don't know why these sites don't list Rochester but list Buffalo. Maybe I'm not finding it? Originally Posted by H5678J
I think they don't load/offer what's not available. Meaning if no providers are advertising in that location, they don't bother to list it.

I'll tell ya I have found a dearth of sites now that they threw the founder of BP in jail. No one has seemed to pick up the slack or fill the void. There was an upstate group, GBBG Club. But they got shut down too. I found this on line:

Went through all of 'em and none seem to live up to the hype.If you find a good one for the area? Let me know, please.

H5678J's Avatar
Thanks Beaver318 for the good resource!
Beaver318's Avatar
Thanks Beaver318 for the good resource! Originally Posted by H5678J
One more that wasn't on that list:

The problem here? SOME real ads....but 4 outta 5 are the same BS you get on CityX and STG. It takes some scrolling to find legit.