Uploading picture?

I am new and I am having trouble uploading images. Can anyone please help me.
Thanks Marley
Mods this is a new provider - I have spoken with her several times and she is now joining Ecice. hopefully someone can show her how to do this.

pornodave69's Avatar
You cannot create a showcase until you are verified. To enable your account for advertising in these forums, you must first be verified by ECCIE Worldwide staff. This process typically takes under 24 hours to complete, however could be delayed if you are not able to provide sufficient information to establish yourself as a legit provider or agency. To become verified, submit your info to the staff at nola@eccie.net

1. website address (your website or advertising site)
2. referral from another provider or hobbyist
3. links to reviews from recognized members (any site)

In addition, If you are advertising you are under age 21 you must submit proof to eccievp.verify@gmail.com that you are 18 or over to become a Verified Provider on Eccie. We require photocopy of your Drivers License or state issued ID and your location. Real name and address hidden, but birth-date and photo must be visible, along with your username. And proof of age MAY be requested of ANYONE seeking VP status, regardless of their stated age. Please submit this info separately from the info you sent to your local staff for verification.

The "Welcome and Introductions" forum in each Metro Location is an excellent 'landing pad' for new ladies to the community. These sections have excellent readership from the members in that particular city. New ladies are welcome to make a post in this forum during their first 7 days of membership. This will be called their 'intro ad' and may include all their details, info, and pics. This may be done before you have requested VP status or while you are waiting for approval. Once approved, however, please use the appropriate forums to advertise and post in this forum only to welcome new members.

If you'd like to make a one time only post in the welcome section in the meantime, you can post photos only if they are hosted by another photo hosting site. Here are some directions - http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=251071