
NikkiSecrets's Avatar
If I posted once in the weekend thread for one city may I post again If i go to another city in that same thread since there is only one weekend thread for all of the cities?
pornodave69's Avatar
No. One post only in any weekend lineup across the whole board. You can't post you're available in in both NOLA and let's say Houston on the same weekend. You can post 1 weekend lineup ad and post a regular ad in the other city's regular ad forum as long as you don't have more than 5 ads posted total (not including your 1 WL ad).

If you're talking about posting for more than one city in the NOLA area, like NO and BR, you can mention both cities and when you'll be there in one post.
NikkiSecrets's Avatar
OK I guess its to late for that. I'm just asking cause I left the city I posted and there's no way to edit it :/

Thanks anyways

pornodave69's Avatar
You can always ask us to edit your ads. Just depends when we see your request and iif we can get to it in a timely manner.