It was great while it lasted...

Rorey Lynn's Avatar
Hi friends!😘

Sad to leave, but it’s my time to go!

I remember there being a thread about how to delete your your account? Can any one direct me to where I would find those instructions?

Also, does it delete your entire profile and how long does the process take? The last time I found a thread for this, there were people who were asking help with this for months!

To anyone I have had the pleasure to meet in the last few months... thanks for the good times! I wish you all the best. 😘😘

Xo, Rorey Lynn
NotQuiteBond's Avatar
Well, lovely RL, I'm glad our paths crossed!...even if only once. This community is certainly less, by more than a magnitude of one, without you in it. Best wishes!! NQB
Sad for us, but happy for you! Thanks for some truly great times and lifelong memories! Best wishes to you!!
DallasRain's Avatar
Sorry youre leaving before we got to to ya babe!!
Need to ask them to delete your account in the questions for the staff section. Good luck with your future endeavors.
HoustonRiley's Avatar
They don't erase or delete the account all they do is block the user from being able to access the account and everyone else on the site can still see everything you ever posted so if you're going to ask them to delete your account which they won't they'll just delete you from your account erase all of your info and pictures before access is cancelled.