Eccie handle/member name; screening

Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
Hey guys, you know you fuss about being asked so many questions during screening, a couple of things:

1. Just say upfront you are an eccie member and your handle/member name, that helps cut the screening;

2. And again, we providers may be just a fling, quickie, or a source of temporary relief, but we have feelings too and sometimes we ask questions to get to know you a little more so the bonding/rapport is easier and more comfortable.

3. I've read several of us use our private residence for incalls and put yourself in our shoes, we want to feel comfortable with who we invite over. So please don't get aggravated or short tempered if we ask questions regarding your ethnicity, age, or whatever. I don't agree with the pic thing although many clients do send them without being requested to do so.

4. Being an eccie member and letting us know that, is getting one foot closer to getting in the door. So work with us and we will work with you.

5. You have a big advantage on us seeing our pics, our likes, comments kind in forums, again, we have feelings. The old adage, "if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all" i.e. bad teeth, really? You a dentist? <Many providers don't have the luxury of medical/dental insurance> That care comes out of our pockets.

6. We have some really great rapport here in the MS network, and I feel privileged to be a provider and a respected member of the community, you should too, remember it is a privilege and an honor.

Amen to this Holly! I agree 100%
tracerxxx's Avatar
Amen to this Holly! I agree 100% Originally Posted by Flora
What Flora said................ 100%
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Holly, thank you for your comments. You are so right, and thank you for coming to Mississippi.
Excellent post, Holly. Guys should remember that the ladies don't often get a George Cloony type walking through their door. I can only imagine what you'd write about some of us if given the chance.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
+1 to all that's been said!

Big AL is +2 on all that been written.
Absolutely right!

We are happy to provide services, otherwise not being attended too, and in doing so we take chances that are never seen for what they are. Through reviews, through private conversations among the guy's as hobbyist, you have an idea, or an inkling of what is ahead, WE DON'T!

I try to go in with an open mind, and a gentle touch because I know you are here to see me for a reason, and there are multiple choices of girls available and for what ever your reason for picking me, or her, or which ever girl you decide on is a kind a generous thing, but to not understand we are just as nervous, anxious, and somewhat uptight to what may happen, or could happen is human nature!

We push our emotions aside to provide a memorable experience and if a few questions are the only thing we have to ease things we ask that you go with the flow. We all have different ways of doing things, and each for our own personal preference.

As far as bashing in reviews discussions or what ever the case may be, our personal opinions are just that! there is always a time and a place, being the fact we can not respond to reviews and defend ourselves lets keep in mind we are all human, and words hurt!
I agree, and always let the lady know upfront I am an ECCIE member.I know the feeling of being nervous about what is behind door #1 when meeting a lady for the first time, and I know that feeling is mutual.There is an inherent risk in this game on both sides of the fence, so helping to heighten the comfort level on both sides is a must for me.