Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
I Have recently been asked more and more if I accept credit cards; well of course I don't, but the internet does, I had a client on two different occasions stand with me and purchase items that I needed/wanted for the "hobby".

I still can use some things for the house/me; so I have started presented this option.

Would you use your credit card if your purchases read Belk, Dillards, Lacy's Lingerie, etc???

He used it for his business card so his wife didn't find out, are you that bold?

LADIES, have you done anything like this?? I did get the items billed to him; shipped to me, so PLEASE weigh in, is it a good thing/bad thing/ something to market or not??

Thanks for your advice. I can't think of anytime in the Carolinas that I accepted a cc. Just trying to do the right thing one way or another...

It just seems to be a little more popular here??
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar

That is an interesting idea. If you are with the gent when he does the order, you can verify that he's your shipping address in. Only thing that might cause a fellow some pause is if you watch him enter his card number - we're all a bit nervous about our cc numbers, expiry dates, and funny numbers on the back.

Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
Hey, I don't have a "pornographic memory" when it comes to CC info; but I do remember him standing behind me while I was entering the order caressing my breasts and his member pushing into my back. HOT!


That is an interesting idea. If you are with the gent when he does the order, you can verify that he's your shipping address in. Only thing that might cause a fellow some pause is if you watch him enter his card number - we're all a bit nervous about our cc numbers, expiry dates, and funny numbers on the back.

JaG Originally Posted by JustaGuyinMS
BfromMS's Avatar
Holly, the Pride of Carolina

Certainly seems like a safe and reasonable process, and especially excellent when hot, sexy shopping breaks out. Credit/debit cards are used for just about everything, with widely different preferences for listing the purchases. For you, for sure a neutral name like CGH Svc would be best. Check out "The Square" point of sale systems.

There is a upside and a downside: (Although I like the way you think!)

There is a thing called a swiper you can have it set to your pre-paid card, bank account or paypal, and it is beneficial for both parties, you don't see the gent's personal info, and on the bank statements, that are most likely seen by the wife, can be what ever you want it to be, I find that to be easy for both parties, and as far as receipts it gets emailed to him, through what ever email he has set up on his account.

That way no one is getting anyones info, and there is no proof of what the money was actually spent on. Like for instance, mine "would" say General Supplies, if seen by the significant other, that could be a wide range of almost anything!

You seem to know what your doing, just a suggestion, have fun & play safe
jaglover's Avatar
Open a PayPal account as a "consultant" or "technical services", get one of thier CC readers for a smart phone and take CC's that way, It shows up as PayPal/XYZ Consulting on your statement. no disputing it either because they are required to sign your smart phone.
I'm also curious about the ways in which other providers process CC payments. Just be mindful that PayPal has been know to freeze accounts and hold funds for a myriad of reason. And they are specifically antagonistic if they catch on that someone is a provider/sex worker.
Way back when, in another life, I used Amazon wish lists. It worked wonderfully. I would get furniture, appliances, electronics, anything I wanted really, and it's all billed "Amazon". I also did the PP thing, not a good idea, unsavory clients can charge back, and they'll ban your account for using it for this.

Of course, you want to be careful though, with guys you don't know, I'd put a wait time on it so you know the items shipped. They could easily hit cancel the moment they leave. Trust is an issue.

I've heard google wallet would work, but haven't looked into it.
I have a CC that only I know about. I have my own checking account too. I use the CC for paypal, which some providers accept. I find that very convenient.
Just my two cents,Holly, what is to keep the other party from cancelling the order and receiving a refund once he leaves your company? I am not trying to give anyone ideas but just bringing up the other side of this. Someone will eventually try it. I hate to see anyone get taken advantage of.
Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
You're right, once bitten, twice shy, but this particular client has done well twice. So I guess again like someone mentioned, its a matter of trust and "knowing" someone at least once or twice before even thinking of doing that like some other things that I've been pondering "doing". lol

Just my two cents,Holly, what is to keep the other party from cancelling the order and receiving a refund once he leaves your company? I am not trying to give anyone ideas but just bringing up the other side of this. Someone will eventually try it. I hate to see anyone get taken advantage of. Originally Posted by scooter1979