Just wanted to say thank you

Addison39401's Avatar
To the gentlemen who are helping me become established and more comfortable in my own skin. I know I still have a lot to learn but I am definitely thankful.
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Addison, you will find that there are a lot of nice folks in Mississippi, and a few ass holes.
hotrix1's Avatar
it was a pleasure to meet you last week. And it was so refreshing to meet someone so sweet and innocent and genuine, I finally know what it feels like to be a dirty old man.LOL
Seriously though, please don't change too much. I prefer the nice girl with energy in the sack more than the over-acting porn star type that comes off as fake. And I bet the gents would agree on this.
The assholes out there that would try to take advantage of your inexperience only show their own lack of character.