What do you wear on appointments to see a Lady?

Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
Its really not a big deal - usually the more casual you are dressed, the more comfortable I feel with you - shorts/jeans tshirts/Polos, the occasional business suit with or without tie; however, I bring this up because even tho I don't kiss and tell, I had one fella dressed to the nines, even with a "so fancy" hat, I don't even know what it's called??? Anyway, before I let him in my door, I actually asked him if he was a pimp. He is an Eccie member and a very sweet wonderful young man, so I knew he was "legit" but honestly I told him I felt underdressed and I WAS dressed up lol. Anyway, besides showering and good hygiene - what do you wear on appointments? They always talk about what the ladies wear....
I always wear a nice button down and nice pants. That is just me though, I have always dressed this way.

Now that Halloween is near...I have a wish that a gent would visit me decked out in an animal costume or gangster suit from the 40s! I'll be Thelma from mama's family.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar

I dress just as you like - very casual. I'm retired.

Casual, but never sloppy. My shirt will always have a collar. And even if I wear flip-flops they'll be nice ones. With the cooler weather it'll be jeans and a button down shirt... no sneakers, no sweatshirts. I want to look nice, but I want us both to be comfortable, so I avoid 'dressy' unless the circumstances dictate otherwise.
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Slacks, polo shirt, and a BIG smile.
BfromMS's Avatar
Casual, Clean

Khaki or camo shorts most of the year. Khakis if cool or out somewhere. Polo usually, sometimes the "black tee". Always Crocs, cool, comfortable, casual. Always clean feel and appearance. Comfortable to wear, comfortable to get out of. Appearance, bearing, and clothes make a personal statement and help foster a nice, safe comfort zone for everyone involved.

Since no one asked, I will mention that I have the same casual preferences for my date. Not clothes that are binding or tight, straps, hooks, heels, unnaturally bound up, masks or costumes, Not sexy. I really prefer "you", not an avatar.
Saran wrap?
I started being silly by saying Saran wrap, then I read BfromMS's post.
I like to dress for the atmosphere I will be visiting. From silk suits to blue jeans and t-shirts.
Ah Nicolet! Silk suits. Man I miss the way those feel and hope they come back in style soon.
Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
I think Its a Fedora (I couldn't think of the word earlier) he wore, no one spoke on that point, I love caps/hats on gentlemen; but again he kinda took me aback dressed like that, but that's what he wore to work; its all good
roll_with_me's Avatar
Khakis and a Red Shirt.
But most of all a Great Big Smile!


Jake from State Farm.
occhipini's Avatar
Casual shorts & short sleeve shirt
Usually jeans and a tee shirt and if I am on my bike I may have on my leather vest or jacket and riding boots.
bc7274's Avatar
Depends on weather. Cool weather jeans and a t shirt/jacket. Hot weather cargo pants or shorts and a t shirt.
bc7274's Avatar
Now that Halloween is near...I have a wish that a gent would visit me decked out in an animal costume or gangster suit from the 40s! I'll be Thelma from mama's family. Originally Posted by Flora
I ol I could show up naked but I would probably end up on a episode of sasquatch hunters.