Costume Ideas, any thoughts?

Gentlemen, I am having a hard time deciding on a costume for Halloween, I am thinking Cat Woman, or Wonder woman, any Thoughts?
coast_encounter's Avatar
I vote for Wonder Woman. I have always had a thing for the lariat (lasso) of truth thing. :-)

roll_with_me's Avatar
I have to say cat woman. What self respecting kitten aspires to be wonder woman? Seriously, I think you would look great in either one to me.
vicinms's Avatar
Can't make up your mind, how about Wonder Cat (and then you could show how you live up to that name), lol.
I can totally see that!
BfromMS's Avatar
I recommend "Cat". You'd make a great Wonder Woman for sure, but it's a one-character gig. You would have to "be" WW all night long. There is SO much variety with the Cat; costumes, wardrobe tweaks, character up, down, sideways, as variable as a real cat. You can be Grrrowl the Aggressor; Flit the Flyer; or Muffin, the furry little kitty that likes to be petted. . . . and SO much innuendo, fun, fun. I do love me some kitty . . .