In the "walk in" cooler while "on the clock"

nawtynatalie's Avatar
Told you mine,now tell me yours...where is the most bizarre or sexiest place YOU have ever "done it" at?
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Back of a car in a church parking lot.

Doctor's office, after hours, in an exam room.

Laundry room of a professor's house, with a student from another school, during a party.

I sense a dirty game of Clue in the works!

where:boat sex, balcony sex, camping sex
with: former boss, former high school teacher, professional baseball player
when: in a lightning storm, during a black-out
While still in my teens I did the deed at a Baptist church camp. hehehe
most bizarre, nuclear power plant reactor containment building.
sexiest, that I'll have to think about!
Most Bizarre
When I was a teen, in the back seat of my car while parked in a cemetery!!
The men's room at Sullivan's!
Sexiest/Most Erotic & Random Location....

I was 17, with my High School SweetHeart(at the time)/1st X-husband Now.

Very Late, Hot Summer Night, Sky was Clear, Stars were Shining(back then you could actually see them clearly from the Top of Mt. Bonnell.
I had on a short, short skirt , Camando of course. I was Leaning against him, in his arms, My ass Grinding Him through his Shorts. Very smoothly he slightly lifted and placed me ........
One of those Slow, Deep, Sensual Screws.....
Jay Walker's Avatar
Dentist Chair with the hygienist.
Hottassamelia's Avatar
Sunday school room...Im so going to hell,arent I??
I was a teenager...

NEEDS(nice JennsLolli )
On a rooftop over looking downtown...any downtown will do..
On a Lifeguard stand on South Beach..just before a storm..*sigh*
Storm drainage tunnel.
ezman's Avatar
  • ezman
  • 02-18-2010, 03:06 PM
Threads like these remind me that I have held such a "sheltered" life ...

no doctor's office, no dental office, no cemetery, no nuclear reactor building, no church parking lot, no rooftops, no men's rooms (or even women's rooms).

My most bizzare? In a walk-in closet with the SO while the kids were playing in another room.
nuglet's Avatar
true story, on a motorcycle, on way to BigBend at 70 mph, her on the tank in front, facing the tail-light. On hwy 90.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Elevator in a medical professional building with the phlebotamist who had just drawn my blood an hour or so before. We had never previously met, and the elevator was a chance meeting. The one time in my life I ever hit that big fat red button in an Otis. It was the start of a lovely relationship ...AND... she had a fraternal twin sister who was even hotter, and just as friendly. California girls, just moved to Houston, 1968. Last I saw of 'em was when I moved to Noo Yawk in '70.
Sexiest: 9th green at the Roswell Country Club golfcourse during the 4th of July fireworks display in 1971!
Bizarre (not so much the location but the circumstances...): Elevator @ the Lake and Racquet Apartments in Albuquerque NM
MiddleAgeCrazy's Avatar
Ladies room at nightclub in Albuquerque