US incomes fall for third straight year under Biden Regime as more people ‘cut back’ and work multiple jobs: Census Bureau

texassapper's Avatar
You need to lean into the microphone, and in the creepiest whispering voice you can muster say…….”it’s working”.
... Now we surely see why USA Today is sayin' that
Inflation is weighing down Americans and MANY trust Trump
- more than Biden - to Fix it.

#### Salty
... Now we surely see why USA Today is sayin' that
Inflation is weighing down Americans and MANY trust Trump
- more than Biden - to Fix it.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Of course they thanked Trump more.

Biden’s plan seems to be driving inflation so high that it has no way to go but down, then say…….”for the first time in years, inflation is falling”.
No need to read a new York post opinion lol. That's like listening to faux news for your economy info. They both lie and you decide lol
Ducbutter's Avatar
No need to read a new York post opinion lol. That's like listening to faux news for your economy info. They both lie and you decide lol Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Had you bothered to read the first two paragraphs you'd discover that the economic fogures came from that notoriuos right wing group know as the US Census Bureau.
What a dolt.
Yeah he makes uninformed comments on threads he knows nothing's not a good look, but what do you expect from a diehard lib??
DNinja69's Avatar
Bidenomics is about as functional as trying to fly a jet blindfolded and handcuffed. How even Democrats would consider another 4 years of this bullshit is beyond me.
Bidenomics is about as functional as trying to fly a jet blindfolded and handcuffed. How even Democrats would consider another 4 years of this bullshit is beyond me. Originally Posted by DNinja69
... Yeah...

#### Salty
Bidenomics is about as functional as trying to fly a jet blindfolded and handcuffed. How even Democrats would consider another 4 years of this bullshit is beyond me. Originally Posted by DNinja69

Their hatred for Trump allows them to sit back and watch their Party destroy the United States.

They would rather see the US as a third world shithole than admit Trump was a good President.
ICU 812's Avatar
I can attst to the truth of the thread'as title:

Retired and on a fixed incopme as they say . . .get a COLA at times, but it is never at or over the level of the rate of inflation.

Took the grand kids for frozen yogurt this past July and for two adults and two kids it cost $44! That used to cover a steak dinner fopr two. That may sound trivial but the same steep near doubling of prices means that McDonalds (or similar) is now a rare thing.

The liberal talking heads prst on about how "inflation is coming down" while wages have gone up . . .Bull Shit. But it is the RATE of inflation that is moderating . . .prices are still going UP.

The numerical cost of everything has not come down, while the ability to pay has.

And yes, President Trump was not the guy I want as a neighbor or head of the HOA, but under his policies, life was good for me . . .now not so much!
tman1847's Avatar
Doesn't get more liberal than USA Today, I'm sure the Biden Bitches won't respond, totally ignore, or tell us how great there life is under Biden
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 09-16-2023, 08:43 AM
Had you bothered to read the first two paragraphs you'd discover that the economic fogures came from that notoriuos right wing group know as the US Census Bureau.
What a dolt. Originally Posted by Ducbutter

The article mischaracterized the census information.

More objective language might read something like, Americans live in a control economy and Fed policy with the hands off approach of the Biden administration has mostly achieved their goals of slowing both inflating goods and incomes. Issues with how the Fed is operating lay squarely with our legislators, a body of mostly economic illiterates, consumed with corruption, entitlement and retaining power.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Bidenomics is about as functional as trying to fly a jet blindfolded and handcuffed. How even Democrats would consider another 4 years of this bullshit is beyond me. Originally Posted by DNinja69

the bulk of the democratic party base is moderate on most things and that certainly covers the economy where they didn't vote for Biden's sudden shift to far left policies. of course they didn't know Biden would obey the hand that rigged the DNC primary for him because it's one of the reasons they hid Joey CornPoop Biden in his basement.

had Biden actually campaigned on this far left socialist crap the democratic base would have rejected it.

now the cat is out of the bag and many democrats are not happy they got snookered into voting for "Socialist Joe".

like Roger Daltrey said "We don't get fooled again!"
Corporations recording record profits. States are recording record tax revenue

And fckn the working class