Audio commentary for well known posters

LadiesFan's Avatar
There has been a lot of "information exchange" in Co-Ed recently, and I noticed that when I am reading posts by many of the well known personalities of ECCIE, that I have mentally assigned some of them a voice based on their sex, post style, avatar, and in the ladies case, based off of their photos.

Am I the only one doing this? Or do some of you also have specific voices or images in your head when you read posts from some of the people that post regularily? Not so much the people that you have actually met, more so for the ones that you haven't.

yup....some sound like they are singing "The lollypop guild", some sound a bit like Karen Carpenter, oh....and one who's post I read always makes me think of Demi Moore.

Course, there is the Gomer Pyle voice for one poster, the Jenna Jameson voice....

errr, to answer your question, most definitely....
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Because of my aggressive posting style, several men have been shocked when they heard me speak and found out I didn't have a deep voice. Another admitted that he was surprised to find out I wasn't ugly and old -- because he thought only hags posted like me. No joke.

I definitely imagine what some of the posters look like and have been surprised when I met them to find how different they were than my images of them.

Good thread.

The one I'm most curious about is Sixxbach. I have often imagined what he might look like... Whenever I pass through his favorite SW cruising area I always look at all the men I see and wonder if they could be him.
sixxbach's Avatar
wow............thanks sophia..... you may have seen me and not even know...... especially when i was on the melanie hunt last summer......... maybe im that guy at nuevo leon getting plowed on margaritas on a friday night....

i have been curios about sophia too.... many nice showcase pics and have never seen her "sweat" when we had out little "tiffy" on the board last summer........
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 03-29-2010, 08:45 PM
In my own head I sound like the HAL 9000 when I post. But I fear they come across more like Rocky the Squirrel.
LOL...ah sixx....everytime I see you post all I hear is

"He walked the streets a soldier and he fought the world alone
And now it's

18 and life You got it
18 and life you know
Your crime is time and it's
18 and life to go "

I have no reason why Skid Row pops into my head...every single offense meant dude!

At least its not the "Lollypop Guild"
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
wow............thanks sophia..... you may have seen me and not even know...... especially when i was on the melanie hunt last summer......... Originally Posted by sixxbach
When you were on the Melanie Hunt my little brother and sister were living with me and I spent all my time taking care of them. No jogs down Cesar Chavez last Summer... But now I have more free time so we will definitely have to get some margaritas.
sixxbach's Avatar
originally posted by dammit

I have no reason why Skid Row pops into my head...every single offense meant dude!

no offense man! actually one of my fav bands! where do ya think the bach part of my handle came from??!!
That may be it....sadly, I remember when the song first debut'd on the radio...but I digress. This thread is so spot on.....

Do y'all actually read the threads out loud in the voice you imagine? There's one poster that I always hear Elmer Fudd and I read the posts out loud in that voice....sad but true.... My cats think I'm insanse as I'll read a thread in 10 different voices LOL
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Yup! I'm guilty of that. I always build some sort of mental image as to what the person on the other end of that handle looks like; and I know that I'm not the only one who does this either.

In fact, at one of the "gatherings" a couple of years ago, I had introduced myself to this provider; who at the time was a frequent poster, and our paths had crossed through many of the various threads/posts on the board but when she finally saw me in-person, she told me that she thought me to be this older, pot-bellied, balding guy who wears a grungy wife-beater shirt; the prototypical "couch potato". (she guessed it was because of my handle). Anyway, we had a huge laugh over the deal.

But back to the topic, yes, a lot of us do that. What's really surprising is how wrong that mental image you painted actually is when you finally meet the person. And in some instances it's even more surprising when you reflect on their reviews.

I was really surprised when I first laid eyes on SensualSophia. Holy smokes! She was completely different than what I had envisioned.
She is as beautiful as she is intelligent and that was truly a most welcomed surprise.

Sensual Sophia's Avatar

I was really surprised when I first laid eyes on SensualSophia. Holy smokes! She was completely different than what I had envisioned.
She is as beautiful as she is intelligent and that was truly a most welcomed surprise.

Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
Wow. Thanks. I was also shocked when I met you. I thought you would look like the hippie from your old avatar. I thought you were old and white with long hair and probably not that attractive -- turns out I was dead wrong. That was certainly a pleasant surprise.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I don't assign a voice for others, not sure why.

But if you read my posts with a Jamaican accent.....

I bet I am Dammit's Elmer Fudd.
Ah, rekcaSxT, never ask a question you don't know the answer to. Nope, not Elmer Fudd! do I read your posts using that voice
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Ah, rekcaSxT, never ask a question you don't know the answer to. Nope, not Elmer Fudd! do I read your posts using that voice Originally Posted by dammit
I am kinda curious, since you have a voice for everyone, what is mine?

I need to start assigning voices to people, it could be fun. I really just read everything in my voice in my head.
LOL, what's it worth to ya to know? LOL....and no, its not jamaican despite your avatar