Jennatx23 awful session

sixxbach's Avatar
I am too sleepy, to go into detail at the moment but this gal is terrible. i had planned to see her a couple of times but it fell through. i decide to see her tonight and i was feeling very tipsy and thought it might not be a good idea to see her b/c i cannot cum from just french and do not have the funds for FS on me without going to the ATM which im not going to do when im tipsy.

well i send her a text and she replies that "when i want to see her and not play to call her". well against my best judgement, i tell her to come over anyway. well she comes in with a little attitude for starters, wants to know what bad things i have heard about her, and i said just TCB with no details. she then gets into crap with who im friends with, etc. she also mentions the SW thing. well IMO if u knew that, why the hell would u see me anyway.

the session was for BBBJCIM, ( i have the text). she pulls out a condom. i ask her about it and she shakes her head and proceeds with a VERY UNINSPIRED CBJ. I was having issues with getting hard, which I told her beforehand. she was not into it at all. I am not hard to please TCB and im sure providers who have seen me TCB will attest too. this gal did not want to be here.

I finally ask her "why would u do the session if u really don't want to be here". she says "ok, thats it". well you are right it is when i ask that. she puts on her top and says that if i think of "bashing" her in co-ed she is friends with a mod.

I have copied this thread to an email and will have it in case it is pulled for St. Christopher, the boss of her supposed mod friend to see and they will have to explain to him why the thread was pulled since it wont be at the OP's request

I have seen many gals and have good vouches. i went with the intention of a good session and it is my opinion, that she did not.

This is not the first session that i have had were we did not gel, BUT NEVER was the service like i had tonight. essentially, i did NOT get what i paid for. If I wanted that, i would have just hit up BP or CL.
dookiexp's Avatar
Cheers for the recon Six. Sorry you had such a bad time.
that sucks dude. if it makes you feel any better(which it won't) I had a kinda crappy night too. I went to a strip club and feel really ugly and skanky anyone could do what I do and the only thing stopping people is their morals which I(being the hell fated, devil spawn that I am) simply don't have. You lost money tonight. I made money tonight. You feel like you might have got gyped a little....I feel like blowing my brains out...I think that is why escorts get paid so much...not for the actual intimate time spent with strangers or near strangers but for these moments...2 am when you are all alone and no one gives a fuck about you and money will not fix ANYTHING.
Hopefully next time the girl is in a better mood babe. I don't know what else to tell you.
sixxbach's Avatar
thanks emily. well i am the type of person who will call myself out. my TCB has not been all that great lately. i am sorry that we won't see each other though im still interested. i am just upset, that if she knew "my rep", why come out??? that made no sense. the only conclusion that i can come up with is that she was hard up for cash. plain and simple.

i can understand not being excited to give BBBJ to come guy you are not attracted to, but to give a different service CBJ as opposed to the one u said u AGREED to??? i have been in the P4P game for years. more than i want to admit, but........ do what you are going to say especially when i gave you the benefit of the doubt (with other's previous experience).
Sixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. .................. babe, WTF??
We met when I first got started and again since.
I am who I am, (the Big Chic, with Skills and Consistent TCB).
You are who you are..... I have NEVER had an issue with any of your 'board persona & reputation'.
Know Why??
Because when we've met Your Always Polite, Respectful and 'STRAIGHT UP' about what ever may be the issue(if there is one). Be it, your 'window of opportunity, funds available' etc.
I respect you for being This Guy who I see on the other side of my door.
I am REALLY sorry you had such a Negative experience.
I'm not taking any sides, only 2 people know what went down.
Things sometimes get twisted up depending on who's perceiving it. blah.
I have a suggestion babe, for the future....(check your pms, plz)

Miss Erotic Emily, damn girl I wanna find your sexy ass and just give you a BIG Hug.
Again WTF?? Please check your pms, too.

Sixx, Baby Like EE, said
Hopefully next time the girl is in a better mood babe. I don't know what else to tell you.
This is me, Betz, another wandering soul at o'dark thirty (4am).
a 'RARE'posting of my .02
sixxbach's Avatar
thanks betzi for the kind words... you are correct.

I guess what has me irritated is the fact that she said if i think of bashing her in co-ed, she is friends with a mod. that was what made me post actually. like im supposed to be scared of anyone!
atxbrad's Avatar
WTF are you doing? You knew her history, you have read her post, you have read other guys post about her............obviously you were thinking with your pecker. C'MON MAN!!!!

You knew it was going to go bad and did it anyways. I like ya bud, but this one was your own damn fault.
WTF are you doing? You knew her history, you have read her post, you have read other guys post about her............obviously you were thinking with your pecker. C'MON MAN!!!!

You knew it was going to go bad and did it anyways. I like ya bud, but this one was your own damn fault. Originally Posted by atxbrad

Centexlicker's Avatar
that sucks dude. if it makes you feel any better(which it won't) I had a kinda crappy night too. I went to a strip club and feel really ugly and skanky anyone could do what I do and the only thing stopping people is their morals which I(being the hell fated, devil spawn that I am) simply don't have. You lost money tonight. I made money tonight. You feel like you might have got gyped a little....I feel like blowing my brains out...I think that is why escorts get paid so much...not for the actual intimate time spent with strangers or near strangers but for these moments...2 am when you are all alone and no one gives a fuck about you and money will not fix ANYTHING.
Hopefully next time the girl is in a better mood babe. I don't know what else to tell you. Originally Posted by EroticEmily

You should not feel ugly and skanky Emily, you are hot and sexy Darlin!
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
6, sounds like your past cough up to you, just saying we create our own persona and yours just bit you in the ass. Not to be cruel, but oil and water just don't mix. And like Brad said "WTF" you new better, so in my opinion this is more of "I just hit my finger with a hammer" post then a why did this happens to me post?

Steady that hammer 6.

Monk Rasputin's Avatar
From the hobby manual of instructions...

"Section 3.2

"Do not post when (1) you are drunk or "tipsy" and (2) it is the middle of the night."

Happy to help.

shelby's Avatar
hilarious! i agree! no posting while drinking! it will only get you in trouble! shame on you! get your ass to bed, stay there and sleep it off!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
From the hobby manual of instructions...

"Section 3.2

"Do not post when (1) you are drunk or "tipsy" and (2) it is the middle of the night."

Happy to help.

Monk Originally Posted by Monk Rasputin
But some of my best posts are drunken ones............I have lots more to say then lol
I don't think I'd ever hobby if it wasn't for alcohol induced evenings.

Six, sorry to hear that. You have a ton of experience, let your wisdom guide you next time.
sixxbach's Avatar
originally posted by IB
6, sounds like your past cough up to you, just saying we create our own persona and yours just bit you in the ass.

i don't think i agree with that. most people know my "history". i know im the evil one, SW's... blah blah blah

i do believe in second chances. i am in the business of second chances, sometimes third chances. if she had any issue, she could have just said NO, don't want to see you and that's that. I know their are some ladies that won't see me and thats cool and I RESPECT the fact that you won't try to grin and bear just to get some cash. It's not like she showed up and realized, "Oh shit, you're the SW guy". She knew that BEFORE she came over.

The big issue I had was the "I'm friends with a mod" statement.She was actually ahead at that point b/c I was not going to post anything about it.
I guess she wanted to use her friendship with a mod to cover her ass. I don't think that shows much respect for her "friendship" with the alleged mod friend IMO but to use them when needed