Newest mass shooters, of little political use.

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  • 11-24-2022, 11:04 AM
So, Eric Cartman, the human version who shot up a gay club is is Non Binary, so, the LBGTQXYZ member, mass murderer, asssures the story won't last in the press.

Further, AGAIN, he committed crimes that would have PREVENTED him from being able to PASS the EXISTING background CHECK that would have been require to PURCHASE his weapon.

We see again, a liberal prosecutor that could have done his job, and put a bad guy into the system but didn't.

So, we need NEW LAWS, when the existing aren't even being enforced.

The Walmart shooter also, was NOT the smelly Cis Gendered average white deer hunting Walmart shopper the media hoped for.

It turns out to be a power hungry asshole, who executed his coworkers, and, his skin was a bit dark for the average WHITE SUPREMACIST that Joe Biden claims is the biggest problem this country faces.

So, two mass murders, egged on by the MSM, 11 dead people, and no good candidates to hang pictures of, on the "Wall of white mass murder hall of fame."

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  • Devo
  • 11-25-2022, 10:00 AM
Update, the popo released the Walmart shooters manifesto.

Seems he was a godly man, and as per "Flip Wilson" the debbil made him do it.

Fruitier than a nutcake, so, lets ask why the Red Flag laws didn't work?

I guess sometimes otherwise good people just have enough, and do crazy shit, or, is it just spending too much time at Wal Mart.

In either case, no new, or existing laws would have stopped this guy from doing what he did.
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It's been six days since the entire Democratic Party and their media adjuncts united to declare the mass shooter in Colorado Springs was motivated by anti-LGBT animus -- and still not a shred of hard evidence has emerged. In fact, now that the shooter has come out as non-binary, expect this farce to get thoroughly memory-holed, as usual
They'll try the excuse "He's just saying that". Which in turn means everyone who uses their "proper pronouns" is "just saying that". Anotherwords- full of shit.
It look like the red flag law didn't work because the Sheriff (El Paso County Sheriff Bill Elder), who is one of the trigger points to evoke the law, opposed because of constitutional concerns, and vowed never to initiate a seizure. He felt that it removed property without due process (which out weighs the risk - any risk) .

A side note, it was the DA who didn't prosecute. He also sealed the case.