Yssup Rider's Avatar
Commonwealth Fund study reveals that 74% of newly insured Republicans are happy with the Obamacare health plan they bought.

Despite all the squealing, mewling, lying (death panels, anyone) and predictions of economic ruin; despite all the people who "aren't paying their premiums" (though they are); irregardless of how much Republicans hate Obamacare ... Three out of four Republicans who bought new Obamacare policies LIKE IT.

Of course this is just a study by a crackpot outfit that doesn't know shit about healthcare ... Er, OK, maybe the Commonwealth Fund may know a little about health care.

But you get the idea.


Republicans who signed up for Obamacare this year are liking their new insurance coverage, according to a new survey.

A poll of Obamacare enrollees published Thursday by the Commonwealth Fund found that 74 percent of newly insured Republicans are happy with the plans they bought. Overall, 77 percent of people who had insurance prior to the rollout of the Affordable Care Act said they are pleased with the new coverage they obtained in the last year.

The survey revealed the current uninsured rate among working-age adults in the U.S. has dropped to 15 percent, down from 20 percent in July-September 2013 -- meaning an estimated 9.5 million people have gained coverage since then.

But the survey wasn't all good news. HuffPost's Jeffrey Young reports that more than one-third of the lowest-income residents in states that didn't take up the Obamacare Medicaid expansion at the beginning of this year remain uninsured. That rate is virtually unchanged from last year, even as millions gained coverage elsewhere.

For more on the survey, visit the Commonwealth Fund.

But if your not employed how are you going to pay for it?
If what is reported is accurate then it is good news and the end is further away than we think..
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm just reporting the FACTS.

Believe or don't believe. But the source is solid.

And it makes lots of sense. Those who were previously uninsured or underinsured figure to be happy to have access to affordable care.

But I didn't participate in the study.

I'm sure people will be pissing all over it soon enough. But they won't be able to dispute the numbers.

BTW -- unemployed people have Medicaid and other indigent care options. Even in states that did not expand Medicaid.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Did anyone bother to read the methodology of the survey? We know Assup didn't. They manipulated the data, and re-polled until they got the result they wanted. Just another front group for the promotion of Obama-Statist bullshit.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
As predicted.

And yes I did.

Another conspiracy on the sea of lies, eh, Glory Hole?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Not a conspiracy, just your typical bullshit. But I'm sure Obama appreciates your obedience to the Great Obamatron in Chicago. Now off to bed, Assup. The orderlies will be rounding soon, and you don't need another write up.
I'm just reporting the FACTS.

Believe or don't believe. But the source is solid.

And it makes lots of sense. Those who were previously uninsured or underinsured figure to be happy to have access to affordable care.

But I didn't participate in the study.

I'm sure people will be pissing all over it soon enough. But they won't be able to dispute the numbers.

BTW -- unemployed people have Medicaid and other indigent care options. Even in states that did not expand Medicaid. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You are reporting opinions, not facts. This articles basis is a survey or poll.
I am so tired of hearing about the AHCA and how successful it is. The only thing these polls can show is the enrollment stats. All they really show are the numbers of people who enrolled that didn't have Health Ins previously and a lot of those numbers are the results of people who had always had Health Insurance but enrolled to obtain a lower premium rate than they had previously. That's really all it is. It's not that miraculous. To say Republicans are happy with their Health care Policy doesn't mean shit. Cause the Republican Politicians are the ones that are bucking the AHCA not citizens Besides the AHCA only was designed to reduce Insurance costs not health care costs that's a fallacy,no matter what kind of ins. you have, if you need medical care you still have to pay deductibles and co-payments.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The only thing that 75% of the American people agree on is that the country is going in the wrong direction.

The only thing that 75% of the American people agree on is that the country is going in the wrong direction.

http://poorrichardsnews.com/post/888...5-of-americans Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Where's the link stating that 75% of the American people support the TEA Party?

Unsupported allegations run rampant in the Idiot Family!
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm just reporting the FACTS. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
YouRong is the "Joe Friday" of the ObminableCare Scandal.
LexusLover's Avatar
Where's the link stating that 75% of the American people support the TEA Party?

Unsupported allegations run rampant in the Idiot Family! Originally Posted by bigtex
Speaking of "unsupported allegations" ....

.. who said "that 75% of the American people support the TEA Party"?

Another BigTitsLiarStalker ... "Mission Accomplished" moment of misquoting.

One time it's a mistake. Two times it's carelessness.

Three times ... on purpose!
LexusLover's Avatar
I am so tired of hearing about the AHCA and how successful it is. Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Given the run of scandals and the human disaster he created ....

... the Obaminable Supporters-Loyalists (dropping like flies) ......

... must look for any "point of light" to draw the attention.

It's a tough choice:

Do I see 3 cue balls on the table? How many does he need?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are reporting opinions, not facts. This articles basis is a survey or poll. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Duhhh. An opinion poll of newly insured Americans.

What's your point? That people don't like their health care insurance?

Please provide scientific evidence, indicating otherwise.

This story simply states the findings of the prestigious Commonwealth Fund.

I'm sure you can find a blogger somewhere with a testimonial from an unhappy customer...

Ready. Ste. Go!
Speaking of "unsupported allegations" ....

.. who said "that 75% of the American people support the TEA Party"?

Another BigTitsLiarStalker ... "Mission Accomplished" moment of misquoting.

One time it's a mistake. Two times it's carelessness.

Three times ... on purpose! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Awww, isn't that touching? The Patriarch of the Notorious Idiot Klan, errrr Clan, rushes to the defense of his identical twin, first born!

Only in Idiotville!