Bojulay, I can't deal with this anymore. There is an explanation for everything you brought up, and I think you sound a bit like the way of the master with the platypus. You do realize we made the modern banana right?
First of all, micro evolution is just a step to a macro scale over millions of years and yes we do have plenty of examples of linking species over this time. Birds have a rather ancient history, but we still have some that really do not fly much, like a chicken or turkey for example.
Take a look here for a widely held idea on the evolutionary history of the platypus.
If you doubt the arguments presented by wikipedia then feel free to look at the references ex.[58] cited next to the various claims in the wiki article.
Evolution, it is a simple concept really and very evident. We bred a subspecies of wolves and we have them commonly in our homes, another million years and the decision to CALL them another species would be all that it takes. You see, we tend to say a species is unique when it can no longer breed with its parent species but clearly lions, tigers, horses, and donkeys are capable of a 1 generation breeding. Obviously the key fits for a reason however, think about it.
Why do you think most major diseases have originated in the Uganda/Zaire/DRotCongo region of Africa? Marburg virus, Ebola Virus, West Nile Virus, HIV and more have come from that region. Not because the Gods cursed that area with pestilence, it is because our last common surviving ancestors live out there, other primates and most specifically bonobos/chimpanzees. Our ancestors branched off before Australopithecus genus and then later Homonids of the genus Homo, but we still carry a close enough genome to allow the virus to attach to gain entry via our cell receptors.
Ironic but the very allele that gives a lot of Caucasians a resistance to many strains of HIV known as the CCR5-D32 (D for Delta) can also make it easier for the west nile virus to infect human hosts and cause a harsher form of the disease. At least that is believed by much of the medical community.
So what is my point? We are primates my friend, there is no denying it, the genes aren't in a pool and changing sequence, they are adapting and changing generation after generation. There is no logic in the concept of families in genetics from a divine standpoint without evolution.
If you are a creationist you aren't a fan of Dawkins but here is a great video about the poor creation of a giraffe, there is a certain rather illogical vestigial nerve that seems to keep growing...
So what do we have left? I can offer proof until the cows come home my friend. I once argued these same points and for years, I wouldn't stop, I just never looked at the wealth of evidence until later on.