Attractiveness in Photos

Blue Edge Photos's Avatar
Here's an interesting article that explains benefits of good photos vs. bad photos (camera phone). It extracts it's data from a dating site, but I think the content can carry over to this field.
Very interesting.

iphone users have more sex, huh!
I'm gonna go with Rich's comment on this. I think he hit the nail, square on the head....

"Rich says:
August 12, 2010 at 2:54 am
You should be ashamed of yourself, Christian. This is a horrible failure of an attempt at statistics. You should know better that when there is a correlation, it is very likely to be a matter of common cause, rather than cause and effect. That is very clearly the case here.
People use their camera phones to take pictures of themselves in their bathroom mirrors. Pictures taken with fancy cameras are likely taken by people with good photography skills, likely on occasions when the subject was well-groomed. Pictures taken with care about depth of field and such things are likewise likely taken by a professional. This does not in any way imply that an average person picking up an expensive camera and taking a picture in their bathroom mirror will produce anything better than their crappy phone camera would.
Also, you seem to have confused more sex partners with more sex. Those two are not at all related; in fact it could well be the opposite. You’ve only shown that iPhone users are sluttier and/or bigger liars. You’ve also demonstrated once again that Apple fanboys are desperate to rationalize their wasted money."
Blue Edge Photos's Avatar
I agree with most of what you said, however, I think the main point is that people are found to be more attractive when quality equipment and photographic knowledge are used. Of course, being a photographer, I'm VERY bias.
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 08-12-2010, 02:24 PM
Good thing I own a Lumix! (Panasonic)
I've only own Lumix cameras since I've been old enough to buy my own cameras, hehe.

Gonna take some pictures today and test this out. =)
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Good thing I own a Lumix! (Panasonic)
I've only own Lumix cameras since I've been old enough to buy my own cameras, hehe.

Gonna take some pictures today and test this out. =)
Originally Posted by PeAcH
and Lumix would fit into the Leica Pint and Shoot category. I remember being...old enough when they first came out. Has it been that long?'s Avatar
As you can see, the general pattern is that more complex cameras take better pictures

Duh's Avatar
Good thing I own a Lumix! (Panasonic)
I've only own Lumix cameras since I've been old enough to buy my own cameras, hehe.
Originally Posted by PeAcH
Sorry Peach; glad you like your Pentax, but I say the published statistic is BS
As a photographer, I would agree ( although also biased). Quality photos are usually worth the money spent.........but having said that, there is alot of overcharging and bad photoshop going on so be selective in who you hire.
