Was I wrong in asking?

ddwbb's Avatar
  • ddwbb
  • 12-11-2013, 12:50 PM
I noticed today that a local provider had an ad up that I was interested in. I have not met this provider before, but she has a number of reviews on the board. We have tried to meet up before via text and our schedules have always conflicted with each other. So when I seen that I will have some free time today and she was available, I decided to take the plunge. I texted her and we went back and forth a bit, all the usuall stuff and normal question one would expect when being screened. I noticed that the provider's number has changed from what I new her number was. I asked the question if she recently changed her number so I can verify for myself that I was talking to the person who I thought I was talking to. She then insisted that I must be LE because there should be no way that I could know her number changed. I insisted that I was a normal guy and she can check my references, to which I gave her three. She will now no longer answer me back...no real sweat of my back, but wanted to her from others if that was the wrong question to ask.

Mind you that her phone number for the reviews are one number and her ad has a new number.

Quantum007's Avatar
So are you a cop or not? Just kidding! What can I say, "God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy." I would just chalk it up to the craziness that seems to be happening here in Shangri La as of late. Maybe you two can hook up in the future. I wouldn't get to down about it. Good hobbying sir!
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Maybe you should try sending her a text and explain that the number in the reviews are different then the number you called and that is why you are asking. If you have p411 send her a message through there.
  • CS123
  • 12-11-2013, 02:22 PM
Just out of curiosity did you call the number in the review? It does seem odd that she wouldn't know about reviews on sites that would have listed her old number especially if the reviews would be considered recent. Now if the reviews were a year or so old and she had taken time off from when they were written and now I would think her response would be normal.
ddwbb's Avatar
  • ddwbb
  • 12-11-2013, 02:24 PM
Maybe you should try sending her a text and explain that the number in the reviews are different then the number you called and that is why you are asking. If you have p411 send her a message through there. Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
Great idea and thanks for the input. I did actually speak to her on the phone and explained how I seen the two different numbers and she didn't understand I guess.
ddwbb's Avatar
  • ddwbb
  • 12-11-2013, 02:28 PM
Just out of curiosity did you call the number in the review? It does seem odd that she wouldn't know about reviews on sites that would have listed her old number especially if the reviews would be considered recent. Now if the reviews were a year or so old and she had taken time off from when they were written and now I would think her response would be normal. Originally Posted by CS123
I did not call the number in the review as she has a new one posted. I figured she changed her number most likely. What made me raise my caution flag was that that last review was a couple of weeks ago with the old number. We need to be cautious and I thought I was doing my part of the screaming process, considering we have not met in person.
I did not call the number in the review as she has a new one posted. I figured she changed her number most likely. What made me raise my caution flag was that that last review was a couple of weeks ago with the old number. We need to be cautious and I thought I was doing my part of the screaming process, considering we have not met in person. Originally Posted by ddwbb
I think you handled it right, either someone posted the old number in the review, or she forgot that her phone number could be listed in a review. I've noticed more of the ladies on P411 are not listing phone numbers, but will give it to you when they make the appointment. I've gone to putting the phone number in a note on the P411 site on the providers listing so I have it.

I think everyone has gotten a little bit nervous, so when something feels wrong they quickly bail, then realize later they might have over reacted. Better to over react on the safe side, you can play again easier that way.
strawberrycar934's Avatar

I would just let it go. Things don't generally get better and with the amount of time and effort that you have spent and will spent setting this up. Well, there are probably better things you can do with your time.
ddwbb's Avatar
  • ddwbb
  • 12-13-2013, 11:59 AM

I would just let it go. Things don't generally get better and with the amount of time and effort that you have spent and will spent setting this up. Well, there are probably better things you can do with your time. Originally Posted by strawberrycar934
Thanks Strawberrycar,

I think I'm going to take the advise and chalk it up to a loss. No real worries from me as I like to be sure before I jump in.
mbinlincoln's Avatar
I think for both sides of this equation, it's better to pass up something that you have concerns about, than to get a new set of bracelets; the kind you don't like.
Still Looking's Avatar
Less is more. If I don't talk to them on the phone before a session... there's NO SESSION. They can block their number.The end!
The ONLY thing a guy shouldn't ask is about specifics on activity. We all know that.

Even if their ad says they are in town, ask if they are in town!

Ask if they used to have a different number!

Ask about any posted reviews!

Really, we can ask whatever we want. If they get annoyed by it, so be it.