Sunni's Reputation Shines On........Not!

An escort that has been mentioned on here many times recently came up in a conversation I was having a very dear and trusted friend/source.


She had been working at, until just very recently let go from, a local strip club. The story is as thus: She was often starting dances in the middle of a song and counting it as one entire dance. She would go into a VIP type of area for a half hour but cheat on the timer and only go like 20 minutes or so.

She was ripping off the customer.

And to top it off, the night she was let go, she later contacted authorities claiming she was assaulted in the VIP room, in an attempt to get the club into trouble.

Wow. Can you say trouble?

Once again you have been warned. If she acts this way while dancing, can you imagine the scam for escorting?
LayneLaughlin's Avatar
How she still reels in clients is beyond me.
Because the force is strong in the little head. He takes control all too often.
jjchmiel78's Avatar
You know if it wasn't for this site and all the generous sharing, I probably would have made that mistake. After all her adds consistently up on backpage and she is on P411. Those photos would of have convinced me to make the call if I didn't have the education this site has given me. How many people are absent from this education? Enough to keep her employed.
You are so dead on, jj.

Notice when any of us log in there are always at least twice as many guests online versus the number of registered users. So there are some others that will figure out some things.

But the total number of us as to the entire market of the hobby johns, I'd guess we make up only 3-5% of the total market. There are plenty of suckers out there for those like Sunni and the notorious LINCOLN Bree (Again, not in any way associated with the magnificent Omaha's own Bree Love!).