So I had my best friend tell me that a miserable provider that ain't making money and had to resort to Backpage... Is telling people I'm being PIMPED... Sorry bitch you can't mess up my rep... I laughed at first because the shit is funny as hell.. I've been here since 2010.. The only guy that has ever got money from me is my son... I'm a single mom and take care of my child unlike the provider spreading that rumor.. So I just wanted to clear my name.. THIS IS NOT TRUE AT ALL...Girls being pimped post on backpage for 1 and for 2 they always got the thing on they're ads saying we don't see black men...Thanks for listening to what i had to get that off my chest... So miserable lady speak the truth before I speak some truth...But that ain't in my natural cause they'll find out what kind of person you really are like I did cut you off now the rumors come haha. You'll ruin your own name trying to hate on mines.
It's hard to be natural & beautiful
Xoxo Sexctexan
Forget them Cheap Haters they're jealous because you were born beautiful
I don't doubt anything you say, but I do have one question that will probably make me feel stupid for asking.........what does having a pimp have to do with not seeing black men? Are the pimps afraid of getting their ass kicked by a black guy in Killeen if they try their stupid pimp games?
Oh yeah, and fuck that dumb bitch spreading rumors!!
Pit thanks babe your so sweet.
Yess thats exactly what it is babe....whodafuckcares...;-) but check it out a old client here showed me how to spot out females that were managed.
It just made me mad when I heard this news I had to express myself. I'm a nice caring person and even the person spreading rumors I helped when they were down but some people are just mean ugly people trying to better they're business by hating on one of the best providers here but it isn't gonna work this time... I'm well known...
I think I know who!!
I would like to have Sexctexan on my mouth

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Yup and they know tooo lol muwahh...
Mmm Enderscz sexc loves the mouth hehe
Well I for one can attest to the fact that she definitely is not managed or has a Pimp. She is totally safe.....and fun too!
Thanks babe... some people are miserable.. But baby I must be doing something right if they're always thinking about me right; -)
Jennatx's Avatar
ok I do post on backpage and I do not see black guys being the fact I was raped and robed by one a few years ago so I really hope your not talking about me. No I never said you were pimped out only thing I said you have big boobs and a nice butt
Jennatx's Avatar
And for one I am not being pimped out I also don't see black guys cause it not my cup of tea like a girlfriend once told me if your darker than me I am not fucking you. I am a dark skinned Mexican with a little native American indian
If you didn't say it love then I wasn't talking to you lol.. Your silly... But in most cases it is is what I should of said in my original post..
BlackJesusX's Avatar
And for one I am not being pimped out I also don't see black guys cause it not my cup of tea like a girlfriend once told me if your darker than me I am not fucking you. I am a dark skinned Mexican with a little native American indian Originally Posted by Jennatx
That's because you've never had the Black Jesus Xperience
I've seen you and rape did not cross my mind as far as money goes I have plenty. So black doe not equal broke or violence.