How often do providers text you?

Just curious to see what it’s like for everyone. Do you receive messages often from your provider (whether it be for an AMP, studio, wherever)?

I’ll get a text from one of my favorite AMP legends every few days,, even if I don’t schedule an appointment with her.. While other times I’ll never hear back from other providers, except on holidays.

Obviously they want us to keep thinking about them to keep spending the money, but just wanted to see what it’s like for you!
BabygotDak's Avatar
Only strippers
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I have providers who will text me from time to time to see if I can see them and I have dancers who tell me they are working and are bored hitting me up to come see them at the club. Unlike some people that think they get contacted because the provider likes them, I know that they are looking for some money and know I have it.
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 12-27-2023, 02:12 PM
Nah, they don't text me. But then I don't go to strip clubs, amps or studios. The Indy's I see don't contact me. They're probably relieved when I don't call them for a session.
Supra's Avatar
  • Supra
  • 12-27-2023, 04:43 PM
6.182 times a day (average)

Trust me.. they don't love or care about you... they just want the $$
Just curious to see what it’s like for everyone. Do you receive messages often from your provider. Originally Posted by dallasguy1231

that is why i have a hobby number.
Jaylowe texts me everyday. Sometimes I get random text from random women. It's not too frequently though.
bobbyb1234's Avatar
I keep a hobby number and only look once a day. I do get some ladies that remember something we talked about, and they send me a link, a meme, or trying to flirt to see if i'm open to seeing them at a future time. These are the ones where I am fully engaged in and chat with. These girls go to the top of my list.

I've had others reach out after they get a cancellation. If i'm down to seeing them, I would. Otherwise, I tend to ignore these texts. I'm not someone's backup plan.
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
I'm not someone's backup plan.
The flip side to that is that when she has free time, and SHE is selecting her customer, she txt'd you. She didn't message me, she contacted you. And that makes you the First Choice over any one else. You could take that as a compliment if you chose to.
CKJAmore's Avatar
I get texts once in a while if I haven’t seen them in sometime. Occasionally, I get flirty photos, but none bugging me to see them. It’s subtle, the way I like it. I don't mind really; just brings my attention to them and I don’t read much into it.
pmdelites's Avatar
The flip side to that is that when she has free time, and SHE is selecting her customer(s), she txt'd you and others. She didn't message me, she contacted you and others. And that makes you you and others the First of many Choice over any one else. You could take that as a compliment if you chose to. Originally Posted by TexomaCowboy
if a provider were to text me cos she has some free time (for whatever reason), i would *not* assume i am her *only* choice.
i imagine that she texted *multiple* prior clients in hopes that one will jump at the choice of cavorting with her.

while i am unique, i'm not *that* special to any provider (based on 22+ yrs experience).
  • cosoj
  • 12-28-2023, 09:33 PM
Two times a month a get texts from 2 or 3 people offering Asian woman. I don't know them, and I never respond even if the pictures are hot. Their texts are the weeks Social Security payments are made. I have received a handful of texts from women I know, and I feel flattered they contacted me because they are my favorites.
Two or three times a month, I get a text, an email and yes, an unwelcome phone call. Providers announce they are "in town," and "remember me," and want to get together. Sometimes I do. Many times I do not. I live by a "one time and then forget" policy. Yes, I have some addictions, whoa, women, who I can't get enough of. Some women are works of art and deserve my financial attention. For the most part, veni, vidi, vici. I like to say, I conquered, I saw, I came...

I had enough. Charlie Sheen used to say, "I do not pay you for sex, I pay you to leave after sex." Me too...

So this is what I say: seek what you desire. Do no let a tryst from a decade in the past to convince you to lay down hard-earned coin on a memory. A women on her early twenties is a treasure. A women from her mid-thirties is not.

The world of today is full of new and wonderful experiences..
secondHandNews's Avatar
I do get some ladies that remember something we talked about, and they send me a link, a meme, or trying to flirt to see if i'm open to seeing them at a future time. These are the ones where I am fully engaged in and chat with. These girls go to the top of my list. Originally Posted by bobbyb1234
I think this is an important point that many providers don't seem to understand: Simple things can make you stand out. Of course every guy has his preferences. Some don't want to be contacted at all; others appreciate the engagement. For the latter, it takes all of 30 seconds to make that difference.

Let's say a provider has a dozen guys who are regulars and who enjoy the every-now-and-then text. She gets up in the morning, opens Bitmoji, finds a "Happy New Year's" sticker, and texts it to those twelve guys. All while sitting on the pot answering nature's call. How difficult is that? And yet, each guy who receives the text now thinks, "Hey she's thinking about me! Maybe I should go see her again..." Boom. Done. To the top of the list she goes. More business on the way.

I can hear the counterarguments now. "I'm busy!" You don't have 30 seconds in your day? "There are too many guys to text!" Do it only for your regulars. "Some guys don't want to be contacted or they'll keep texting all day." Don't contact them. The point is.. find what makes your regulars happy and do that. A little effort goes a long way.
Bald Bryan's Avatar
daily, lol....

The texts that just say "hey" are the ones to avoid or let alone until a followup comes in but the majority of them are just friends catching up, pitching ideas, asking general questions that lead to discussions, etc...