Amy's rebuttal

For those who were not yet aware of it yet.. I am Amy.

I assume this is not a great shock to those who saw a tiny redhead sharing an incall with Brandy, and yet was going by a name other than Emily.

[a href=""]My rebuttal.[/a href]

My first bad review! This must mean I'm important now.

Do I get a sticker?

ETA: Auuugh, bugger html. Lemme figger out how to post links again.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
My rebuttal.

Pssst, Emily, instead of using, "[a href]", try using,
[url=..... ] My wee~butt~ole..[/ur l]{<~~no spaces}


Hey girl sorry to hear that you had a rough time with a client but seems how I know you. If I was able to get you penned up in a room by ourselves I might not want to hear no either lol. No seriously I hate to hear about you having a problem, give me a holler sometime.