"ALERT" -- Balcones Heights P.D. Unmarked SUV

Walking past the Citgo gas station & convenience store in the 4300 block of Fredericksburg Rd., around 5:00 PM this afternoon, I discovered that Balcones Heights's "finest" now have a 2012 unmarked black or charcoal gray Ford Explorer SUV in their fleet. I'd never have been able to tell it apart from any other Ford Explorer SUV, but for the flashing blue and red lights mounted inside the vehicle. Backed up by two marked cruisers, the brave officers were hard at work, no doubt protecting their citizens from some criminal with an expired registration sticker on his vehicle.

Just wanted to alert those of you who drive with any frequency through this wart on the armpit of San Antonio.
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 02-19-2013, 07:39 PM
brave officers were hard at work, no doubt protecting their citizens from some criminal with an expired registration sticker on his vehicle.

Just wanted to alert those of you who drive with any frequency through this wart on the armpit of San Antonio. Originally Posted by Bush Pilot
spoken from the truth....

i hate going through crossroads mall area, its my second most hated area of san antonio after downtown. stupid cameras at the stop lights. one time, i turned right at a stop light while exiting the mall into fredericksburg rd, while making sure to yield to oncoming traffic. motherfucking flash of the camera and 30 days later a ticket because of that bitch.

no cameras in my part of town...and the five-0 gets mad if we dont turn right while yielding.
flinde's Avatar
Yea, but I have rented some great strange in those crappy apartments south of the mall on Fred Rd over the years. Kind of a utr doubles carpet munching like they like it hotspot.
Rakhir's Avatar
Just as an aside, and for those of you who doubt I have done this several times now.

These unmarked, stealth police units, have really ticked me off in a big way. So as result, whenever one comes up behind me because I have been speeding I immediately call 911. When they inquire about my emergency I tell them there is an unidentified vehicle flashing red and blue lights trying to pull me over and I have fears about their intentions. Additionally I request a marked police cruiser & watch commander to come out and rescue me. I do not pull over until the marked car shows up & I stay on the phone with the 911 operator the entire time describing how I fear for my safety and how menacing the unmarked vehicle is behaving.

They cannot cite me for fleeing or failure to stop because I am on the phone asking for police help. Furthermore, the entire point of this exercise is to consume so many resources these tactics no become cost ineffective and pointless to continue. The more people who do this the less they will be able to continue the practice.
Rakhir's Avatar
Sorry about syntax ipad auto spell is infuriating sometimes.

I mean " no longer cost effective"
Precious_b's Avatar
I *LIKE* that Rak!
Rakhir, I just e-mailed my ATF and recommended that if she ever sees an unmarked vehicle pull behind her and turn on flashing blue-and-red lights, she do exactly as you've done, albeit for an entirely different reason than yours (which is to "get even" for the annoyance, and consume LE resources): There has been at least one case of a police imposter -- here in San Antonio -- pulling women over and then sexually assaulting them. "By calling 911 and insisting on the protection of an officer in a marked vehicle," I told her, "you are protecting yourself."

I'd recommend you other ladies of this community do the same.
Rakhir's Avatar
Rakhir, I just e-mailed my ATF and recommended that if she ever sees an unmarked vehicle pull behind her and turn on flashing blue-and-red lights, she do exactly as you've done, albeit for an entirely different reason than yours (which is to "get even" for the annoyance, and consume LE resources): There has been at least one case of a police imposter -- here in San Antonio -- pulling women over and then sexually assaulting them. "By calling 911 and insisting on the protection of an officer in a marked vehicle," I told her, "you are protecting yourself."

I'd recommend you other ladies of this community do the same. Originally Posted by Bush Pilot

And that is exactly why you will never be cited for calling for help and not stopping. Because there are police I posters out there and you cannot be sure who is real.