Wouldn't it be Awesome if These ladies Joined Our Stable?

Chung Tran's Avatar

they look hot, obviously have attitude.. and what a grand political/social statement that would make..
Think I'd better take my COEXIST bumper sticker off my car...

Hooray for these gals... And a symposium on beating wives ?

Fuck them !
WOMBAT's Avatar
Wow, A conference on whether they should beat their wives? (Simplification)
I'd like to see that conference next to a feminist conference here in the USA.
Wonder who'd get beat then. Send in Whoopi and the VIEW. ROFL.
Just pisses me off.

Sorry brought up with southern values "NEVER HIT A WOMAN"
sparrow1122's Avatar
Wait a minute. We let 280,000 Muslims in to our country. Were are the liberals that claim we should accept everyone. We ahould change to be more accepting of them. Walmart has all their signage in English and Spanish, so why don't they have women beating manuals?

Ok, really I am with Wombat and Chung. Theae adies need national attenton. I too am a southern (in liberal speak southern means racist) boy that grew up and abide by rules, one which is never hit a lady.
Any man that hits a woman should have 10x that done to him. There are Men aka boys that abuse woman in every race, that being said men from the Middle East seem to mistreat, abuse their woman at higher rates.
Shit bring that to America lol and I own a shot gun and million other women do to. Us country people don't put up with that shit.
blowmypop23's Avatar
Any man that hits a woman should have 10x that done to him. There are Men aka boys that abuse woman in every race, that being said men from the Middle East seem to mistreat, abuse their woman at higher rates. Originally Posted by Snafu75
I made the mistake of lumping Middle East before and was corrected. It's fundamentalist Muslims not the entire Middle East that are so oppressive.

Cant tell how hot those 2 are but I'm down if they are bbbj
sparrow1122's Avatar
Shit bring that to America lol and I own a shot gun and million other women do to. Us country people don't put up with that shit. Originally Posted by SexyPlatinum
You will have your chance. We have taken in 280,000unvetted muslim refugees from Syria. Obama just signed us on to take 100,000 more.
HRC utter failure as Sec. Of State allowed the turmoil and tensions rise....leading to all the refugees.