Another illegal...more murders!!

But it could be YOUR home because you have a WALL!!
This is a non existent murderer to go along with those non existent Caravans.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-23-2019, 06:33 PM
Need to build a wall around those Catholic Priests!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
El Salvador. is that one of those shithole countries?
  • oeb11
  • 01-23-2019, 06:59 PM
Pelosi and Schumer will apologize to this poor, victimized immigrant for his unfair treatment
They will set him up in university at Berkeley with a guaranteed degree
and a lifetime job at Homeland Security of the Socialist state of Kalifornia
As long as he promises to vote DPST.
And only enter Nancy's neighborhood to mow lawns, do roofing,wash cars, walk dogs, and commit more murders only in Republican neighborhoods
  • oeb11
  • 01-23-2019, 07:26 PM
Need to build a wall around those Catholic Priests! Originally Posted by WTF

already done
It's called a Cathedral.
didn't help at all
One of Pelosi's arguments against a Wall
themystic's Avatar
Trump is a disgrace. He cant keep America safe let alone keep America great. This never happen under Obama or Clinton. More blood on his hands. Thank God Nancy Pelosi is SOTH, at least we true Americans still have a chance to live in a free and safe country. Trump cant keep the Government open but he sure keeps the Border open to allow these killers a free pass into America.
themystic's Avatar
But it could be YOUR home because you have a WALL!! Originally Posted by bb1961

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

Did you hear what she said about giving the State of the Union? Let me know if you need help finding the answer

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 01-24-2019, 06:18 AM
Trump is a disgrace. He cant keep America safe let alone keep America great. This never happen under Obama or Clinton. More blood on his hands. Thank God Nancy Pelosi is SOTH, at least we true Americans still have a chance to live in a free and safe country. Trump cant keep the Government open but he sure keeps the Border open to allow these killers a free pass into America. Originally Posted by themystic
Obama is a disgrace/liar/piece of poop also and always will be. Clinton my have been impeached. But we had a strong economy.
Ole Nancy didn't she miss a plane most recently?
  • oeb11
  • 01-24-2019, 08:25 AM
In response - I have not seen such a hypocritical claim that Trump is keeping the border open to allow killers into the US
That is on Schumer and Pelosi - who have back-walked previous clearly stated positions supporting border security and control of illegal immigration. They have shut down government and opposed border security, pandered by supporting abolishment of ICE, and then tried to go on lobbyist paid junkets during the shutdown.

The shutdown has degenerated into a childish trantrum match between the sides.

Both are at fault.

I am on record that a Physical Wall barrier is a boondoggle - we need funding for better border security - agents, equipment, etc.

And we have more illegals murdering American citizens.

DPST's just see them as American voters. Nothing else matters to them

TM - please get a grip. Your Trump hatred seems out of control to me. Our Govt. leaders are behaving disgracefully. and not in the interest of the nation they are pledged to serve.

rexdutchman's Avatar
Quote "That is on Schumer and Pelosi - who have back-walked previous clearly stated positions supporting border security and control of illegal immigration. They have shut down government and opposed border security, pandered by supporting abolishment of ICE, and then tried to go on lobbyist paid junkets during the shutdown. 100 % correct the Snowflakes can't handle the truth.
bamscram's Avatar
themystic's Avatar
In response - I have not seen such a hypocritical claim that Trump is keeping the border open to allow killers into the US
That is on Schumer and Pelosi - who have back-walked previous clearly stated positions supporting border security and control of illegal immigration. They have shut down government and opposed border security, pandered by supporting abolishment of ICE, and then tried to go on lobbyist paid junkets during the shutdown.

The shutdown has degenerated into a childish trantrum match between the sides.

Both are at fault.

I am on record that a Physical Wall barrier is a boondoggle - we need funding for better border security - agents, equipment, etc.

And we have more illegals murdering American citizens.

DPST's just see them as American voters. Nothing else matters to them

TM - please get a grip. Your Trump hatred seems out of control to me. Our Govt. leaders are behaving disgracefully. and not in the interest of the nation they are pledged to serve.

respectfully! Originally Posted by oeb11
the TRUMP shutdown Respectfully please stick with facts.Trump is responsible for All Deaths committed by illegal immigrants
themystic's Avatar
TM - please get a grip. Your Trump hatred seems out of control to me. Our Govt. leaders are behaving disgracefully. and not in the interest of the nation they are pledged to serve.

themystic's Avatar
Obama is a disgrace/liar/piece of poop also and always will be. Clinton my have been impeached. But we had a strong economy.
Ole Nancy didn't she miss a plane most recently? Originally Posted by R.M.
Not much to cheer about in Trump land? Nancy missing a flight is a Trump victory? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOO!!!!!!!!!

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