Manafort May Have Shared Poll Data With Russian Oligarch's Agent

So what? It's POLLING data. Again, no evidence of collusion or how that collusion is even illegal. "Ivan, we are leading in the Republican primary polls" "Good for you Paul."
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 01-24-2019, 02:42 PM
Lol trumpers new reasoning is "Its not aginst the law to work with Russia to get elected."

But you make a big deal about Obama middle name H.
themystic's Avatar
So what? It's POLLING data. Again, no evidence of collusion or how that collusion is even illegal. "Ivan, we are leading in the Republican primary polls" "Good for you Paul." Originally Posted by gnadfly
Lol comrade
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  • 01-24-2019, 04:11 PM

Originally Posted by Hotrod511
You wouldn't understand it , even after we told you!

For all others....Trump sharing polling data for Russia to then use in targeted areas on social platforms may not be a big deal to you Putin-Trump lovers but to all others, it is kinda big deal.

It means Trump has been lying all along about there being no collusion between his campaign and the Russians. Not that lying is against the law....if it was trump woulda been charged when he was making up stories about his bone spurs!
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chicken little says the sky is falling also
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  • 01-24-2019, 04:30 PM

chicken little says the sky is falling also Originally Posted by Hotrod511

The sky is fall for Paul Manafort.

Trump just paid the Russian guy back though and lifted sanctions on his company. Just a coincidence I'm sure you'll say... Forgave the man like 200 million in bad loans.

Instead, Deripaska and his allies are set to maintain majority ownership of his most important company. Additionally, the sanctions relief deal will allow Deripaska to erase hundreds of millions of dollars in debt by transferring some of his shares to the JRussian bank VTB.

Read Newsmax: NY Times: Russia's Deripaska Gets a Break From US Sanctions |
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