Have you ever been caught?

Guest091314's Avatar
Most of us had to learn by mistake...hobbyist and providers alike.

Ive never been caught personally (except by the cool wife) and I could think of a million ways it could screw up.

What has been your dumbest move? What happened and how did you fix it?
joc1970's Avatar
Yes. No hobby phone......Fix it? very expensive. Not fix yet
Guest091314's Avatar
use google voice...its not hard.
joc1970's Avatar
I will check it out. Thanks
Hercules's Avatar
Ive never been caught personally (except by the cool wife) and I could think of a million ways it could screw up Originally Posted by Anastasia Roberts
Back when the wife and I played together we did a "wife catches them in the act" scenario. No matter how you plan it, when you hear that door open it's all "oh shit"

Worked out better when I had the lady surprise the wife in nothing but boxer shorts and holding a bottle of champagne.
  • jwood
  • 10-16-2012, 07:10 AM
Admitted it one time. Boy was I dumb. Will not again.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Personal life Bust, I forgot to delete emails and didn't have passcode on phone.
dragonas84's Avatar
use google voice...its not hard. Originally Posted by Anastasia Roberts

It's really too easy to do anything else!
joc1970's Avatar
Awesome Google voice. I love it. Thanks
cheatercheater's Avatar
I got busted while playing at a hotel next to the airport once. My buddy and I took two girls there for the weekend while waiting for the wives to fly back in from a trip with a bunch iv their friends. His wife flew in a day early. Saw his unmistakeable car in the hotel parking lot and came looking. I was in the elevator on my way down and guess who was standing there when the door opened.
I lied out my ass and denied anything going on but she found his ass and busted him with both chicks in the room. She called my wife and let her in on it. When the wife returned, there was a grilling. I denied. I denied.
Finally I said ok you got me and started giving blow by blow details of the weekend. Sex and more sex and trading chicks. Finally she started laughing and told me what a lousy liar I am. No way could I do everything I said I did. Told me that I should stay away from my buddy before he did get me in trouble.
He got divorced and here I am!
Guest091314's Avatar
Just be careful since google has linked all related accounts.

I found my ex hobbying when I saw his text messages, emails and SAVED numbers in his phone...dont be that dumb.

What can I say you cant trick a trick (btw only us ladies can call us tricks LOL!)
dragonas84's Avatar
Yeah...lock your phones people! I think I have 3 different google accounts (only one for these such purposes), then probably another 4-6 email accounts! That's not to mention everything else we do with our smartphones!

And DO NOT link you google voice number/account to anything else....just like hoppy phone, just use it for 1 reason, THE REASON, you have it!

Email and # change in an instance (if you need to, just set up a new account).
Stang1965's Avatar
My first Hobby email was discovered... Luckily I was able to delete all the Hobby related stuff from it before it was actually read. I had some Adult Group Stuff (Pic/Video Sharing)/Porn Site Info on there, so I was able to leave that on there to justify the email. I got in trouble for the Adult Group/Porn stuff, but the Hobby Life was not discovered... I dodged a huge bullet there!!! I'm a lot more careful with my Hobby related stuff now!!! I have had a Hobby phone since very early in my Hobby Life. A couple of my early and still Hobby Girlfriends introduced me to the boards and suggested that I get a Hobby Phone. I have been on the boards and have had a H phone since!!!
Boltfan's Avatar
I have had someone walk by the darkened glass only a few feet away while I pounded away on a certain young sexy mistress from behind. I swear he turned and could hear her moans.

That kinda caught?
Guest091314's Avatar
Hhhmmm I wonder who you were pounding....