early caller discount

Read a BP ad saying $10 off for first 15 callers tonight. Just called and I'm #15. Wohoo!
tomlooken@u's Avatar
That's priceless! Thanks for the laugh. I would just love to be the 15th guy to do a girl in just a few hours. And to save a whole ten dollars!
LOL...oh my gosh... I thought he was serious at first. How gross....to save $10! How classy!
LOL...oh my gosh... I thought he was serious at first. How gross....to save $10! How classy! Originally Posted by samantha thom
Now those are contradicting thoughts... Hey why not, I guess it might as well be a gang bang with 15 guys.
pyramider's Avatar
What no coupons?
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Hey man, I will buy your spot in line for 5$, and I can still save 5$ with her. That's a win win for the two of us. You get a free 5 bucks for bird doggin the sweet deals on BP for me. Whadda ya say?
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
lol i have heard on the party line before 3rd caller gets a free fuck! lol but your never caller number 3, in fact ur always caller number 4 or 5 lol
dragonas84's Avatar
Haha! Thanks for the laughs!! I needed that tonight!!!!!