Jesse Ventura Still Going After Chris Kyle.......

Ok. Read the link, and many of the comments.

Yes, Jesse Ventura is sort of a crackpot. Yes, he looks like a dispicable human being in suing a dead man's wife, (estate), for the dead man writing about and then making a false statement in public about him.

Chris Kyle is a hero in many people's eyes because he was willing to do what many could not, or would not. He did it very well. He saved countless US Soldiers lives by taking out enemies before they could act in a hostile manner towards American Troops.

There is no arguing this. But, Court Testimony, , and eyewitness accounts, also show that Chris Kyle was also a flawed human being. He did have a problem with the truth on more than one occasion. Many might seem harmless, but in this case, he told a lie about someone who actually had the means, and the will, to call him out.

Ventura says that he would have never let it go that far if Kyle would have retracted his statements, and apologize. Maybe Kyle died before he had a chance. We don't know.

Many people will say that everybody lies and one time or another. Sometimes the lies are of no consequence, or people simply don't care.

In this case, someone cared. Jesse Ventura may be a first class ass hole, but maybe he is right, and many simply can't believe that a person that they look up to and idolize was, in fact, a very flawed human being as well outside the theater that made him famous.

I'm trying not taking sides in this. I don't think this is a Conservative vs Liberal issue. It's a human vs human issue.
LexusLover's Avatar
If the Kyle Family (Spouse) had nothing to do with "the lie," then Ventura should let it go. Apparently he's been paid and at least on paper vindicated.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Jesse Ventura is a Bozo.
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  • 11-01-2015, 03:57 PM
If the Kyle Family (Spouse) had nothing to do with "the lie," then Ventura should let it go. Apparently he's been paid and at least on paper vindicated. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Were you talking about Chris Kyle when you said it has been your experience soldiers that talk (or in this case write a book) about their experiences are usually lying?
LexusLover's Avatar
.... when you said it has been your experience soldiers that talk (or in this case write a book) about their experiences are usually lying? Originally Posted by WTF
I didn't say that .... but you're an excellent case in point for a low-life punk who lies about what people say or do in order to try to make your lame-ass, weak minded, low self-esteem worthless ass feel better (or worse ... try to look better among your peers).

Since you are anti-military why would you care what these to soldiers do?
Were you talking about Chris Kyle when you said it has been your experience soldiers that talk (or in this case write a book) about their experiences are usually lying? Originally Posted by WTF

You do remind me of Jesse Ventura. I bet you think that's a complement...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Didn't Jesse Ventura write a book or two?
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  • 11-01-2015, 07:48 PM
Didn't Jesse Ventura write a book or two? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yes according to LL any soldier who writes a book talking about their service is comparable to a hobbyist who brags about how much pussy and money he has...which according to LL means very little. So evidently LL does not put to much stock in either Ventura or Kyle.
Yes according to LL any soldier who writes a book talking about their service is comparable to a hobbyist who brags about how much pussy and money he has...which according to LL means very little. Originally Posted by WTF
By that standard, Audie Murphy must have been a real flake.
Didn't Jesse Ventura write a book or two? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yeh......."Bozo, Clarabell, and Me".
Yes according to LL any soldier who writes a book talking about their service is comparable to a hobbyist who brags about how much pussy and money he has...which according to LL means very little. So evidently LL does not put to much stock in either Ventura or Kyle. Originally Posted by WTF
If you follow LLIdiots brand of twisted logic, Douglas MacArthur should have never authored his personal memoir.

Didn't the General know that his book "Reminiscences." ("written in his own hand and finished weeks before his death") would one day piss our very own Patriarchal Idiot?

How thoughtless of the General!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Outrageous! A book?

I thought you idiots burned books!
Outrageous! A book?

I thought you idiots burned books! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Liar, you forefathers have been burning books for hundreds of years...

WTF's Avatar
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  • 11-01-2015, 11:34 PM
I didn't say that .... but you're an excellent case in point for a low-life punk who lies about what people say or do in order to try to make your lame-ass, weak minded, low self-esteem worthless ass feel better (or worse ... try to look better among your peers).

? Originally Posted by LexusLover
You didn't? Well then what exactly does your post below imply?

I have known some dead soldiers who were liars. There are some live ones also. But it's like money and pussy. It has been my experience that those who talk about them too much, probably don't have much of either in reality.

"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
You didn't? Well then what exactly does your post below imply? Originally Posted by WTF
Burned again, or as Lusty Tard likes to say; "hoisted by his own retard"