Mindless Promoter Bumps

BigBamboo's Avatar
What are some of the mindless promoter bumps you’ve seen posted?

This one is a cess pool of bumps every 1-2 days that provide absolutely zero value to the original review. Here are some of the good ones -

-"She rocks my socks off every time. Very good in the PM department"
-"Good points about about age, but I would make a splooge deposit any day of the week with Maya"
-"......she is really good at hitting all the right crevices and making me O so darn good"
-"Maya always give me the time of my life. Very nice and chill"

Some more heavy hitting comments that provide a huge amount of value and will help a monger decide whether or not he wants to see the girl being reviewed -

-Very nice, she is one of the best studio girls here.
-Abby is one of the best. Always at the top of the list
-Have never had a dull session with Abby. She makes you feel very special
CaptainZman's Avatar
It’s unbelievable and out of control. It’s not just the promoter bumps. It’s the anti certain studio comments and reviews. These idiots are trying to outdo each other and can’t see how transparent their comments and reviews are.
ntxguy's Avatar
Welcome to eccie. For some reason the warring factions are allowed to continue with little or no punishment. Why is that? Too many agendas by members, owners and mods. Hell we have several multi handle banned members that are allowed to come back with no retribution until the pot gets too hot. They’re banned and come back again, with very obvious agendas, and are allowed to run freely until too many complaints and behind closed doors backstabbing happens that someone has to take actions.
BigBamboo's Avatar
They’re banned and come back again, with very obvious agendas, and are allowed to run freely until too many complaints and behind closed doors backstabbing happens that someone has to take actions. Originally Posted by ntxguy
Sounds more like a string of complaints from you than anything on topic, but ok.

I am curious though. Who the hell are you referring to in your comment above?

What does that have to do with thread bumps? I thought you were the “bumper thumper” whatever that means.

And for the record I personally chose to disable my account to take a break but was never banned. I had to take a break from the drama and mindless promoting and thread bumping here.

Too many people live in this forum like it’s the only life they have or know. Career promoters and thread bumpers.

“Great review!” “Thanks for the review!” “ Was it a cloudy day when you went?” Tons of stupid pointless comments with only one intent - bump the review thread to the top so someone else reads it first. Kinda like the old phone book where all the businesses just kept adding another letter “A” in front of their name or a number “1.”

But long and short of it all - no value added to the review.
ntxguy's Avatar
Sounds more like a string of complaints than anything on topic.

Who the hell are you referring to in your comment above?

What does that have to do with thread bumps? I thought you were the “bumper thumper” whatever that means.

And for the record I personally chose to disable my account to take a break but was never banned. I took a break from the drama. Originally Posted by BigBamboo
Never said anything about you being banned yet Springfest did mention in one of his reviews to wait until bigbamboo gets back from being banned and you would back him up. The “stay on topic” comment sure does sound familiar though. The genius sf likes to use that to be able to RTM people.

My post was very much on topic.

Oh I see you edited your post to “stay” on topic.
BigBamboo's Avatar
Never said anything about you being banned yet Springfest did mention in one of his reviews to wait until bigbamboo gets back from being banned and you would back him up. The “stay on topic” comment sure does sound familiar though. The genius sf likes to use that to be able to RTM people.

My post was very much on topic.

Oh I see you edited your post to “stay” on topic. Originally Posted by ntxguy
Seems you were just waiting for my reply to appear. It’s ok. I am not Springfest. He was incorrect stating I was banned. Disabling my account was my choice, as I mentioned.

You can PM me offline if you still want to chat. Let’s get back on topic.

And yes I edited my post because I was still in thought and wanted to add more to the thread I started. Your post was marginally on topic.
ntxguy's Avatar
Annoying? Yes it is. And yes I’m staying on topic. Something you and springf are always concerned about so that posts can be rtm’ed.
BigBamboo's Avatar
Annoying? Yes it is. And yes I’m staying on topic. Something you and springf are always concerned about so that posts can be rtm’ed. Originally Posted by ntxguy
There you go again comparing me with Springfest. Why are you so obsessed with that person?

And yeah, I saw your annoying reply on Abby’s thread: https://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2965650&page=2. Seems like a review thread bump tactic. Drop the bait and the other guy bumps the review with his reply. So I PM’d you instead.

Seems you’re trying to bait me into your little game and get me pissed off and call you a name or something so you can hit the RTM button. You are acting like a pest though that’s the truth.

Maybe I should RTM here since you’re apparently trying to hijack this thread and make it all about you, Springfest and your conspiracy theory. Stop trolling.
Let's Go!'s Avatar
Good Recon
Good recon, is hilarious..

Also seeing multiple (3 or more usually) threads from same handles on page 1, shows you who is on the board and looking for posts to bump as well..

Think we got multiple handles with 4 or 5 threads on first just this morning!
HenrySwanson's Avatar
Bumping is all you see on these forums, making them semi worthless. I can check this place a few times a day and it's just the same review with 10 new bumps. Speaking, if these reviews were locked after 10 replies/bumps, I'm pretty sure this place would turn into a ghost town. You would see REAL fast who the promoters are. I think discussions like this are fine, but I'm hard pressed to look at any reviews that has 26 posts/replies. I know what's going on with that review without viewing it again.
BigBamboo's Avatar
Here’s a good one: “Waiting to see [her] soon myself“

Really? Ok! Thanks for letting us know your plans, but we don’t care!

I like your thread lock idea, Henry. It would be great to see implemented.
Stressfree1's Avatar
Bamboo, you have great reviews and all but damn, this Promoter thing seems to be consuming your mind on here. Let it go bud, you're sounding like the white AsianP with the 10+ posts a day except you don't say the word Pimp, lol. Surely there's something else to converse about, how bout those Mavs?

"Good recon" in response to original question